The nerve reaction speed in eyeball is the fastest.

Other parts of the nerve reaction speed is slightly slower.
The nerve reaction speed of waist and buttocks was as low as 4 milliseconds, which was far lower than the test results before retiring.
It should be the reason why the muscle reaction speed is relatively weak.
"Teacher Luo said that he would continue to increase the speed of nerve reaction?" Xu asked abruptly.
"At present, the research theory is that the pure nerve reaction speed is not much 5 milliseconds, which is rare for you.
Most of them will do special muscle reaction speed training after the nerve reaction speed reaches 1 millisecond.
This is a course for your sophomore year.
Because of the training of muscle reaction speed, the overall reaction speed of people will be more stable and efficient, so as to comprehensively improve the reaction speed and the battlefield survival rate
It can, in turn, feed back the speed of personal nerve response. "
Speaking of which, Luo Shifeng smiled lonely. "Of course, for our nerve research, we still have to constantly increase the speed of nerve reaction."
Maybe one day, a new gene capacity chain will be discovered. "
"sophomore muscle reaction speed training class?" It’s a bit naive to make a retreat on this point.
"Of course, that is the normal progress of most students. Of course, if you want to study before, I can teach you.
Although I don’t teach the muscle reaction class in sophomore year, it’s no problem to teach you. Our neurologist has taught us that the comprehensive reaction speed is too much effort in muscle reaction speed. Otherwise, how can we avoid bullets and shoot at close range? "Luo Shifeng laughed.
"Thank you, Teacher Luo". I’ll be happy when I retire.
"But I have a small condition" Luo Shifeng laughed.
Chapter one hundred and forty Not very friendly muscle reaction training process
"In fact, it’s not a condition, it’s just my personal obsession."
Speaking of this small condition, Luo Shifeng laughed at himself first.
"I have been teaching in neurology for more than 20 years, and I have also sent several articles about the ability chain conjecture of nerve reaction speed genes.
I have been working hard in this direction all these years.
But it has never produced results.
If the bold words and conjectures were published in those days, it would become a joke for many colleagues.
But up to now, I still think that the speed class of neural response must have at least one gene ability chain, but we haven’t found it yet.
At that time, many colleagues shared my thoughts.
However, in recent years, almost everyone has given up and turned to other directions.
I am a bit stubborn and lazy.
I don’t want to change other research directions to study the half-generation neural response speed.

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw a mysterious light shining, and the mysterious capital exorcist fell.

Hehe laughed. "It’s also a truth to say that it’s clear that teachers and nephews can make morality if they see Tao and don’t see virtue."
Can’t you stop teaching and see virtue? Even the Tao can’t tell the difference between knowing the art.
What kind of morality does this have? "
"It is also a way to learn from others, to see the law, to realize the Tao and to be virtuous."
Lingqing shook his head and said, "But your breath is always vain."
Third, the teacher’s ancestors once said that those with deep roots will get immortal Taoism, those with shallow Taoism will enter humanity
Today is the time when the fairy god killed and robbed us, so that we can distinguish between jade and high jade in this robbery. "
Xuandu exorcist said, "That’s the case. Go back and wait for all the fairies to come and break your array."
Ling Qing made a bow and said, "I’m waiting!"
After seeing all the immortals leaving, he turned around and returned to Wanxian Array.
Into the array door hexagrams Dolly Notre Dame looked at the explanation party Lu Peng asked, "I don’t know if they are confident? Is it because two scholars are coming? "
Lingqing shook his head and said, "I don’t know, but it’s best for grandmaster not to make moves."
Grandmaster didn’t make moves, but it can be said that our younger brother was born with this name because of his weak mind and every murder.
Otherwise, all sins are attributed to the grandmaster. "
Then he ordered all the immortals, "You uncles and brothers say that they have a plan and keep close to the camp gate. When they enter the battle, they must not go out to chase them."
How many people can Wan Xian kill me even if they are all armed with saints’ treasures in this array?
Otherwise, the large array will fall apart and fear its slaughter. "
"I’ll know," the immortals replied in succession.
Chapter one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven Road flyover quasi
Let’s talk about the sad face of the twelve golden lotus in the western wonderland.
The prospective Taoist looked at the murderous world of mortals in the East and sighed and said, "Brother, I robbed my relatives of being original and went for a walk."
Smell speech to lead the road flyover sorrow more thick with a sigh and said, "his three brothers have already decided by their respective brothers to finish this doom.
You’re not just bullying the small.
This world of mortals will continue to suffer because of you. "
The Taoist priest shook his head and said, "This is the number of days, so there should be 3 thousand mortals entering our west."
Yuan Tianzun and Tailaojun all know that virtue will not violate this destiny. "
Lead and sigh "that tongtian hierarch and when such as said? If you go to attack his brother and accept his disciples, will he let you rest?
At that time, it will be your fault and mine to attract poor doom because of your reckless behavior. "
The road flyover said with a sigh, "I have to do this in the West" and then took Kong Xuan.
Exorcist, the Taoist priest Xuandu, sat opposite each other.
Exorcist asked, "I don’t know where Kong Xuan Daoyou is?"
After saying this, I listened to a song saying
"Great sleep Jin Xian is not the only Western wonderful method ancestor Pu.
Immortality, immortality, three, three, three, qi, ten thousand kindness.
Silence is natural and true with change.
Tiantongshou solemnly robbed exorcist of his heart.
Get out of the lotus clean platform and take the wonderful method of two rides.
Exquisite relics are extraordinary, and the pearls are peerless.
Seven precious trees with purple flame grow golden moss in dechi
Because the eastern soil is handsome, I will meet the leading edge and have a holy baby. "
The immortals saw that Kong Xuan, the Taoist priest, had both come to Xuandu, and exorcist led the crowd to greet Lu Peng. "I didn’t know my brother had come to meet me!"
Please let Peng come to Syria to finish their respective seats and say, "Because of being original, I came to the southeast and saw hundreds of red gas rushing to know that it was predestined friends."
Being original is here to get through the fate of the West and France, so I will travel tirelessly for a while to cut off all my friends. "
Exorcist, the capital of Xuandu, said, "Brother Dao’s coming here today is a sign of the sky."
Burning the lamp also said, "Since all the immortals are waiting for us, let’s go and meet this magic array for a while."
The next day, all the disciples in Lebanon arranged shifts to strike all the immortals in Admiralty and Yuqian, and saw the Wanxian Array before they first came to it!

"That … that’s all right," she said

Aphrodite said with a smile
"Do you want to visit the shop with me this afternoon?"
Natasha looked hesitantly at old Sheila and said nothing.
The cook hasn’t come back after a week’s leave, and there is no one to take care of old Sheila. She is a little worried
"Go, Natasha … I’m at home!"
Old Sheila spoke with some force, like something stuck in her throat, and it rang with every breath, but she still said to Natasha
"Well, I’ll be back as soon as possible." Natasha nodded.
Aphrodite leaned over to old Sheila and said, "It’s too cold this winter. You need to take good care of yourself."
Old Sheila lay on the cane chair with her eyes closed and muttered, "Who said no! It became so cold after a snow … "
A heavily armored infantry regiment marched out of the garrison camp in four columns.
Six heavily armored infantry regiments have been put into the battlefield in front of the valley, and nearly 10,000 infantry soldiers have followed 3,000 soldiers and ants, and the formation behind them presents five front arrows and leaps towards the evil spirits’ legion.
Andrew, Samira, Jiali Dacker, Wolf Knight Tiger and Gulitim led a heavily armored infantry regiment respectively. Their infantry regiment mainly resisted the evil generals who ran amok on the battlefield. Only with these two turns can they have the strength to compete with these evil generals.
The two armed knights hid the left and right flanks of the army respectively. They mainly outflanked or broke back.
This is the first time that Suldak has organized such a big war since he returned from the mountains in the north of Moyunling.
Recently, small-scale battles of the evil spirits corps have occurred every day. Every day, some wounded people are carried into the tent of the medical team. Surdak found that the evil spirits soldiers in the evil spirits corps are constantly rushing from the Moyun Mountain. This small-scale battle even though the evil spirits have some casualties, the number of evil spirits is large, and even if there are casualties and reinforcements, the evil spirits will be quickly added.
Compared with the reinforcements of marked troops, it is estimated that they are still on standby in the garrison camp outside Bena at the moment.
At present, every soldier killed by the marked army will lose one point in strength.
Surdak doesn’t intend to spend so much time with these evil spirits, and the reason why he dares to dispatch so many troops is because the Arihoshi bombing regiment has deterred the evil spirits in the sky, and this group of evil spirits dare not gather too much on the battlefield, so that soldiers and ants can cooperate with the heavy armor infantry to have certain advantages in front of the evil spirits.
3,000 ghost-tattooed soldier ants have trodden a large area of scorched earth in the valley. Almost every inch of land here has been blown up by explosive barrels, and there are countless evil spirits with broken limbs and arms buried in the soil.
The front row of ghost-tattooed soldier ants is like a wave lapping at the front row of the evil spirit camp. The evil spirit soldiers are waving their swords and chopping off the hard heads of the soldier ants.
The soldiers spewed sour liquid, and their teeth were nearly four feet long, and the teeth were extremely hard. A soldier ant Zhang Ao’s teeth protruded, and the blade locked in the hands of the evil spirit warrior. The blade came from behind for a moment, and the evil spirit katar stabbed the soldier’s hard skull, while the infantry soldier behind the soldier stabbed the spear into the heart of the evil spirit.
A few soldier ants keep pushing forward against the six legs of the evil spirits in front of them. Their strength is not much greater than that of the evil spirits, but their six legs can alternately force the evil spirits to retreat frequently if they can’t breathe.
Gullit caught a few soldier ants with a big stick in his hand and knocked down an evil spirit.
Behind the shield soldiers hurriedly rushed to the front with the tower shield to let their companions cut the horned head while the evil spirits fainted.
The evil spirits are ferocious. When I first saw them, these infantry soldiers were still a little scared. Now I have seen them many times before I realize that the evil spirits’ heads are dead. Cabbage is no different. Insert the knife along the edge gap and cut the wheel and it will fall off.
When the evil generals across the street found out that the marked army had sent many strong men to participate in the war this time, and that all five fronts in this valley had a tendency to collapse, several evil generals strode from the hillside with fighting blades in the Woods on the opposite side of the mountain.
Samira, behind the Tibetan army array, waved to the crossbowmen on both sides. Thirty crossbows were dragged forward by the ant cavalry.
The crossbowmen shook the winch in their hands to pull the crossbow string of the bed, and another shooter put the crossbow in the arrow slot.
When the evil generals strode to the battlefield, the crossbow was also pulled from behind the army.
As Samira ordered 30 bed crossbows to volley at the array of evil spirits, a huge buzz and sonic boom of crossbows almost attracted the attention of all evil spirits on the battlefield.
I have never bought a magic crossbow with fifty silver coins for the battlefield. This kind of crossbow with’ penetrating’ and’ sharp’ double magic patterns is the most advanced crossbow that can be found in the market. One gold coin is enough to buy two.
Surdak will take out these crossbows this time, which is purely to smash these evil spirits soldiers in the face with gold coins.
While the soldiers in the front row are entangled, the soldiers in the back are speeding up. They have soldiers and ants strangling together to avoid the evil spirits in front of the battlefield. Once the soldiers and ants hit a piece, the evil spirits in the back will rush forward regardless.
Even if there are arrows and rain falling on their heads, they will rush forward regardless …
To some ordinary arrows evil spirits with hard bone armor can fight hard in the past, but this time the evil spirits didn’t expect the human army across the bed to pull the crossbow to the battlefield, and a wave of giant crossbows suddenly penetrated a large group of evil spirits soldiers.
When those giant crossbows come into contact with the evil spirits fighters, the sharp body of the arrow suddenly pierces the bone armor, and even a giant crossbow shoots through two evil spirits fighters at the same time.
Successive’ burst …’ The battlefield sounded.
In the chaos, several evil spirits generals also had to run at an extreme speed …
Power aura’
Enthusiasm aura’
A virtual shadow of Seraphim appeared behind Surdak, and a golden light beam descended from the sky with the blessing of light, and a pair of golden light wings appeared on Surdak’s back.
Revenge rage’
At this moment, the seven evil generals in the battlefield looked at the dazzling light beam in the battlefield, and the light beam surface Surdak also became the focus of the whole battlefield.
The evil generals immediately gave up the selected targets and rushed towards Surdak’s position.
These evil spirits also burn layers of strong black flames, and the blades in their hands hum.
Andrew Gulitmtego and Kerry Dacker quickly moved closer to Surdak, and the battlefield became extremely chaotic …
Surdak is very eager to give the evil spirit soldiers a hard time this time.
So his feet once again emerged a huge summoning circle, and the dragon runes were constantly spit out in his mouth.
Call to war’
The huge bloody array of Surdak’s feet spread outward, and there was a huge virtual door on Surdak’s head, and at that moment, there was a hole in the door to sing dragons in the valley.

On the other hand, if the special department has the order, they have the right to implement it.

"Minister Wu, don’t get sick?" Road flyover spirit yi hand a ritual way
"Very good haha!" Wu Tiantong ha ha a smile
"I wonder what made the minister so happy?" Road flyover spirit asked
"Of course, I am happy to think about Wu Mou." Wu Tiantong looked at it very much.
"Minister, what is the specific invitation?" Road flyover spirit saw that he knew and immediately asked
"A good thing is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. This call is to ask everyone to help." Wutian Passage
"I don’t need to say more about it."
"So you didn’t have an argument with anyone?" The spiritual Taoist doesn’t seem to be in any danger to him.
"Nature is not" Wu Tiantong saw his one eye and understood his meaning.
"Not who to fight with, but will someone come to dislike us and we will have a conflict? That’s not what we can decide.
Let’s not take the initiative to fight with who this time. "
Lingqing and others cast a glance at each other just now, and the dignified atmosphere was swept away.
I just want to feel bad.
Then the two merged and one went straight north.
The place where everyone is gathered this time is Jingwei.
The headquarters of the Secret Service Department is in Kyoto, but the headquarters of the Secret Service Department is in Jingwei.
Everyone fell in a hill along the south coast of the city.
At this time, many people have gathered here, and Ling Qing doesn’t know much, and he doesn’t know much either.
However, Taoist Ling knows everyone and others are very familiar with him.
Even if there are young people who don’t know him, they will come to Jianli with him under the guidance of their elders
At this time, a member of the Secret Service Department came to the public, first saluted Wu Tian and then said, "Minister Wu, please welcome the cold manager."
"Okay, I’ll be right there." Wu Tiantong immediately replied with a solemn face after hearing it.
Turning to the Taoist priest, he said, "The manager wants to recruit me. I’m on my way. You can go to the meeting with them."
"Wu minister don’t worry that we will arrange" to ask him the man saw immediately.
Then he came to the Taoist priest’s side and asked, "Taoist priest, please!"
"Please!" Lingdaoren nodded and replied.
Lingqing watched Wu Tiantong leave the back quickly and was curious about the manager.
What kind of person can make Wu Tiantong, who is like killing a god, so respected?
I don’t want to be a mortal.
But he didn’t think much about turning around and following everyone to the venue.
Chapter seven hundred and forty A difficult every
Ling Qing and others followed the man all the way to a hall.
It’s almost the same as a common conference room. At the bottom is a chair table and seats.
On both sides are stepped seats.
However, unlike ordinary conference rooms, whether it is a table or a table, it is not a chair but a futon.
Half-meter-high futon can sit cross-legged on the surface, or hang your legs as a stool.
Obviously, considering that most people are used to meditation, the futon is placed.
And take care of some people who are not used to meditation and raise the futon to half a meter.
There are already many people sitting in this field, but most of them are in the second half and on both sides.
There is still a seat in the first half that has not been taken.
"Please come with me, Taoist Taoist and Muslim Taoist, and other real people please follow my colleague." The member of the Secret Service Department led Taoist Lingqing and Taoist Lingqing to the front of the Central Committee to sit in a group.
And Li Li four people are sitting on the left step seat.
After arranging the position, the man retreated.
The spiritual Taoist talked with those who came first.
There are only more than twenty people in the seat, and many of them are because they are all immortals.
You know, at the beginning, the whole spiritual world was only five immortals when Daoqing was in view.
Now there are so many like mushrooms after rain.
It can be seen that there are still capable people in this world.
With the arrival of Ling Qing and others, other factions have also come one after another.
There are Maoshan Xu Gaoyi with several elder brothers, Gezaoshan Zhao Qingci and his accompanying elder brothers.
I really teach Peicheng to own more than ten elder brothers.
People come from Wudang Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain, Kunlun Mountain and Tianshan Mountain.
In the end, Zhang Hongdao from Longhushan came with nearly twenty people.
They saw quickly got up to meet.
Twenty immortals. That’s more than Laoshan, Maoshan and Gezao combined.

Not far from Zhuang, every time I go back, I see two people smiling on the surface, P, all kinds of husband-and-wife drama.

Zhuang Dad has the first-Mover advantage and a large manor house, which still maintains the leading edge.
But Zhuang Ma also has the backing of the whole Weaver race, and these cheap and super efficient laborers are trying to catch up.
In order not to be caught head-on by Zhuang Ma, Zhuang Dad has tried his best recently. He not only desperately developed Zhuang Ji Winery, but also developed Dazhuang Winery. At the same time, he also acquired two poorly managed wineries, intending to benefit himself in cultivating fermented fungi, not based on high-end development to the middle reaches.
Of course, every decision he makes has to ask for advice from Zhuang. After all, this son has a broader vision now.
He doesn’t know if it’s Zhuang Ma, and he’s here all day to make Zhuang not far away.
The most troublesome thing is that both of them feel that Zhuang is not far away from their own camp! It’s not far from Zhuang, so it’s hard to be a playwright all day.
At this moment, Zhuang is not far away from seeing Zhuang’s father coming, and suddenly Naishou Jiaforehead is coming again!
One day he will be broken by the couple who find out the truth!
At that time, men and women mixed doubles, maybe they went to sprinkle dog food with kindness and love, leaving their legs interrupted and unable to take care of themselves. He cried in the back.
And it seems that this day is not far away …
If I had known today would have happened!
But at the moment, you can’t reveal the truth. Zhuang quickly adjusted his face. "What’s wrong with Dad?"
"Alas," Zhuang Dad sat down. "Isn’t this a horse going to buy raw materials when the winter wheat harvest season is coming? Who would have thought that food was so expensive this year? The price of food around the virtual city has risen by three or four layers! "
Zhuang Dad patted his thigh. "I asked you, Uncle Mao, and your Uncle Mao also said that the grain has gone up strangely this year. It hasn’t been harvested yet, and the grain collectors have all arrived at the property. He has come to talk with several grain growers about the acquisition price …"
"What do you think this can do?" Dad Zhuang shook his head again and again. "No, when the time comes, our family will be weak, and the yin will flourish and the yang will decline. Where should our father face? Hurry up and think of a way for me!"
Not far from Zhuang "…"
At this moment, his mood is messy, his right hand is ready to move, and his heart is full of slots. If he is not worried about being slapped by Zhuang Dad, he will slap it out at this moment.
Excuse me, father, when did you have a "great shock" and "return of yin and yang" in our family, and you had the illusion of face?
He was just about to vomit a few words from his father when his heart suddenly moved.
"Hey, wait … you said that people everywhere in our virtual city are desperately buying food?"
And ….. Or the international grain merchant giant in the acquisition?
"It’s absolutely bad to involve international grain merchants …" Zhuang shook his head not far away.
Grain is the most special kind of business owned by human beings.
Other suppliers have no alternative to find, which can slow down the demand or even give up the demand.
However, it is impossible to give up when there is food. Once there is insufficient food, people will suffer from malnutrition, the birth rate will decrease, and the death rate will increase, eventually reaching a balance.
It has been said that whoever controls oil controls all countries; Whoever has mastered the currency issue will control the world; Whoever has the grain will control mankind.
Some people also say that food is a war nuclear weapon, which can kill people without seeing blood.
At present, there are four major grain merchants in the world, who have mastered the% share of global grain trade and international grain pricing, and they have invaded almost all state agricultural circles like wolves, which can be said to be impossible.
There are very few States where they are trying to get their hands on them.
State is one of them.
As early as the beginning of the century, they wanted to invade the state. The battle led to the fall of the soybean line in the state, and the pricing of edible oil was swept by genetically modified soybeans that were completely mastered by the four major grain merchants … It can be said that it was a fiasco.
However, the state’s ability and determination to learn is that they imagined that a few years later, when they wanted to get their hands on the state’s staple food, they were stubbornly attacked by the state, which made people feel afraid of food reserves and made every effort to stabilize food prices.
After a grain war, the four major grain merchants finally failed and several speculators even declared bankruptcy … The combat effectiveness of the state grain corps is much better than that of finance!
Ten years later, according to the trade agreement, the state will release the grain market … Are these grain merchants still coming again?
"Here comes the evil wolf … how did you sing that song?" Zhuang buqian asked
"Good wine when friends come …" Dad Zhuang smiled.
"The wolf is coming. There are war dogs …"

"That is?"

"Look, I found this news."
Yanzi gave Xu tui a briefing.
This is a bulletin of estrus through the Eldar Temple, which can be received by people with certain status.
Smoke posture is seen through the identity information of the general manager of the’ father’ planet in autumn.
The elder of the Holy Hall, the granddaughter of the smoke field, is suspected of defecting to the enemy. If the star fields find the smoke field, they will catch it and report it at the first time. If they find other information, they must also report it immediately.
Xu tui frowns
This is not surprising.
It is no secret that Yanzi surrendered after the Eldar Temple elders Chijing arrived when the Eldar Forward Base collapsed.
Later, he entered the Eldar Star Domain and took the lead in several wars. Hua Zhen’s real and distinctive extraordinary ability was more sunny every time.
"The briefing of the Temple has come out, so my grandfather must be controlled by the Temple. I have to see my grandfather!" Smoke posture said
"See or save?" Xu tui frowns
"You can understand saving"
Smell speech xu back was annoyed "if your grandpa really controlled by the temple that how to save?
How can it be saved?
You won’t be naive enough to let me go to the Holy Spirit Star to save your grandfather with you?
How is that possible! "
"I know your ability is possible."
"My ability is possible, but I can’t risk it! The safety of the Tongtian Expeditionary Force is in my body, and I must find their way home in the shortest time, "Xu said."
"I beg you, okay?" Smoke posture implores
Xu retreated without hesitation and shook his head firmly to refuse.
"Smoke posture if I a person I will think of some way to help you this favor! But now I really can’t. I have to make a way home in the shortest time to bring my brothers back to Blue Star!
I promised to take all my brothers home! "
"Colonel, please!" There is already a crying sound in the smoke posture sound.
After thinking about it for a while, Xu didn’t do everything. After all, the core phase of the cross-star array still depends on the smoke posture. "Smoke posture, I can promise you that I will come again to find a way to help you rescue your grandfather after I send my expeditionary brothers back to the sun. What do you think?"
"Colonel, I have no relatives. I have such a grandfather," Yanzi emphasized.
"I promise to send my brothers back to the sun and I’ll take you to save grandpa."
"Colonel, I promised my grandfather that I would come back to see him. Please help me," Yanzi pleaded again.
Xu back "…"
"Colonel, you are so cruel!"
"Not cruel! It’s these expeditionary brothers who want to be with me when they go home, but I promise you that I will save your grandpa after the event … "
Suddenly the smoke rose. "I decided to save my grandfather first. We will go to the Holy Spirit Star first."
Xu Zheng back "no …"
"Then you can choose to kill me!" Smoke posture jerked BoGeng to xu back.
Hearing this, Xu reacted abruptly and sneered, "Yanzi, are you threatening me?"
Smoke posture Xu retreated tit for tat "is a threat!"
Xu retreated his eyes and his position gradually appeared.
"I know you can hypnotize me deeply and let me listen to your orders, but you are not afraid of unexpected words to try!

However, this refund can be solved or solved.

Get rid of he didn’t Huaxia resistance I grasp the plan more successfully … "
With the decision, the mythical Lord wants to send someone to stay.
But after a circle and a look at Shenxiao Mansion, he shook his head.
If you send people to stay here and leave a small number of elite people, you will lose if you can’t hold on to them.
But if several elites stay here and block Xu’s retreat, it will not be worth the loss.
Today is a golden opportunity.
Taking this opportunity, he can get more seals from heaven, and God knows how long Xu tui will stay in Shenxiao Mansion.
Gambling here is purely a wave.
At this time, he can get more six guards, even seven guards, by getting more seals of the celestial priesthood.
The more he gets the seal of heaven, the general trend will be formed.
This general trend is most appropriate if an allusion is used to shape the story of Song Taizu wearing a yellow robe in the history of Huaxia District
Once the general trend is formed, the speed of refining the six imperial seals will reach an alarming level.
But Xu can’t leave it here.
Suddenly, the mythical Lord Ulla thought of a way.
"It’s better to … bring disaster to the east … someone should be very concerned about the seal of the six emperors of the Antarctic immortal emperor."
Laughing, the mythical Lord Ulla sent several messages in his own way.
A minute later, the mythical Lord Ulla called a star who was very good at hiding, confessed a few words and left with a large army.
The two seven-guard stars followed the mythical Lord Ula respectfully.
Just like other Xingjun palaces, although the attack method is banned from blasting out through the clear light of Shenxiao Mansion, the line of sight is blocked.
You can still see the situation outside in Shenxiao Mansion.
After seeing the mysterious exchanger leaving with a large army, Xu retreated in astonishment.
Just leave?
Leave him alone?
So generous?
Or is it hidden somewhere else?
Or is it really divorced?
Xu back my heart is full of doubts.
But Xu didn’t hesitate for long.
Whether the mythical Lord Wula is true or false, it is most important to refine the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor at this stage
First, I looked at a circle of Shenxiao House.
There are hundreds of small halls in the Shenxiao Mansion, but each hall has a clear light forbidden guardian, except the Shenxiao Mansion main hall, which is the hall where the Antarctic immortal emperor handles the public gods.
The jade seats on the steps of the Temple of God Night are swinging in the hall, which makes Xu tui suddenly think of the Zhengda Guangdian in the Forbidden City of China. This layout is somewhat similar to that.
It can be imagined that the Emperor of the Antarctic Immortal Jade Seat was seated in the position of the minister to listen to the report.
Exquisite carvings on the columns of the main hall will surprise an archaeologist if he comes over.
However, these retreats don’t care if they really want archaeology. He wants to create a safe environment for archaeologists first.
A few plans for Xu to look back at the jade seat.
In the case of a few people, the head-sized seal was slowly floating there with colorful light.
Former Neve spent less than an hour refining and left no trace at all.

"First of all, we have to take out all kinds of knives and buy this chariot." Zhuang patted the big guy around him. "We are trying this chariot, and I don’t want to return it."

So we’re trying? It’s also how the king has the money to buy such an expensive chariot!
But this is a good try! You made so much money by trying once!
"Yes, yes, yes!" Everyone nodded. This chariot is too powerful and cool. Now they have no idea what to do without it.
"Then I want to buy another one."
This is a bit tangled. Is it necessary to buy another one?
A few people came to the roof and roared, "whoever opposes buying another car will sit on the roof!" "
It doesn’t feel good to be upset on the roof without saying that it’s weathered.
And they really feel the benefits of this chariot. If it weren’t for this chariot, they wouldn’t be able to make the money at all.
What would it be like if there was another one?
Think about how cool it is for two chariots to gallop on the battlefield and be immersed in gunfire!
"But don’t worry, I can get a friend’s discount. This chariot is only 60,000 yuan."
Mercenaries are boasting and disgruntled people are overjoyed. Of course, they want to buy buy buy because it’s so cheap! Is it still a person if you don’t buy it?
Sampras also nodded and took out a small note to write this down.
"We lost 11 brothers in this operation. Let’s give each of these brothers a pension of 50 thousand dollars."
Sampras shook his head and said, "There are two brothers who have no one at home."
The carriage was full of heavy sighs, but no one objected, but there was a strange burning sensation, like something was burning.
50 thousand pension? If you die before, you will be lucky to get 10 thousand dollars.
"How much is left?" Zhuang asked Sampras not far away
"There are still 1.95 million," Sampras said.
"Give him 10,000 dollars."
Everyone looked at each other, and three mercenaries came out, a little ashamed and a little expecting.
"Let’s divide the remaining people into 10,000 knives except me." The mercenaries looked at each other again.
This is too little, isn’t it
"Your Majesty, I don’t want any money, and there is no one at home," Sampras said.
"I’m a king, too. There are few people in my family. I just want to follow you, king!" There are also two mercenaries who say that they are close friends of Zhuang.
"Let you take it," said Zhuang not far away. "How much is left now?"
"140,000 …"
"It’s all me," Zhuang said not far away.
The carriage was silent.
Your Majesty, can you be more ashamed?
Your Majesty, aren’t you really afraid that our mutiny will tie you to a roast bird?
Mercenaries now want to carry guns and sift Zhuang not far away.
Zhuang skipped out of his room not far away.
Experience is like a one-meter child.
I made money, I made money ~
It’s really relaxing to make money recently!
Praise me! Praise me for making so much money playing trumpet!
Then I saw that the manor manager and deacons were discussing something seriously in the meeting room of the master room.
"What will you be? What are you discussing? " Not far from Zhuang, I recently went to sit down and asked
"Master Zhuang, we are calculating the minimum cost of building a small manor town."
"Oh, what has been discussed?" Not far from Zhuang, he sat awkwardly. "How much do you need?"
We can make money for you at any speed!
1.7 billion "
Zhuang froze not far away. "How much?"
(For the amount, please refer to the news report that the reconstruction fund of a famous earthquake area in the state totals 1.7 billion public data. The annual fiscal revenue of a second-tier city is 100 million. The fiscal revenue is already very low. Compared with an enterprise, the efficiency of making money and spending money is not at the same level. It is simply too difficult for a city to be as rich as an enemy …)
Chapter 53 The place where I walked was called White Wolf City.
A group of mercenaries in the armored car are ready to move, and their minds fantasize about 700 kinds of impulses to kill Olion
But they’re just thinking about it. None of them dare to move.
"I support the king! Without the king, we can’t even earn 10,000 knives! "
"For a $10000 than before I can be a lot! And how long has this been! " Not far from Zhuang, two brain-dead powder jumped out to show loyalty.
Olion’s facial expression
Sampras also smiled slightly. "I still say that I want money. There is nothing the king wants to say. Take my 10 thousand, too."

Thought of here, yip hon suddenly felt that the servants and people were just a group of poor people. "Whatever they do, whatever the North says, we’ll be finished."

There is no shortage of wise people in this world. Ye Han thinks he is not stupid, but he can never compare with those abnormal officials in Beidu.
Li Shili laughed. "If the alien nobles can honestly stay in Jupiter, I personally prefer to be with the nobles."
"Ah?" Yip hon stare big eyes "how legal?"
"Simple Jupiter belongs to them, Jupiter belongs to us, and both sides do not invade each other," said Li Shili.
Yip hon can’t help crying and laughing. "How is that possible?" The alien’s goal is the earth, so it is impossible to keep them out of Jupiter.
"I know it’s impossible. I just can’t help but think so," Li Shili said. "Think about it. There are so few servants and people, and there is no production line. If all the servants and people die, Io will become a human being." When the time comes, do you want immigrants to expand or not? "
Yip hon suddenly turned out that Li Shili was waiting here! His horse shook his head and said, "It’s not that simple. It’s all livable stars, but the biological environment is different. Bacteria and viruses alone are enough for us."
Aliens have superb biochemical technology, which can defeat the microbes on the earth in a very short time through various means, which can be proved by the fact that the reformed prisoners are not afraid of alien microbes.
But human beings don’t have alien biochemical technology. If they want to immigrate to Io, they must defeat alien microorganisms. This will be a long and difficult process, just like overcoming various diseases in the long history of human evolution … Maybe one day, immigrants to Io must rely on their own epidemic power to defeat alien microorganisms. Only with this can Io live freely.
Li Shili sighed, "Yes, aliens are already in an invincible position. They are not afraid that we will rob Io at all. If we really let them get the production line, the most direct result will be a population explosion, and then a technology explosion. If we don’t think about Io, aliens will also think about the earth."
"Ha ha, is that what it means to have eternal interests?" Ye hanwen
Li Shili nodded. "It is absolutely impossible for the resistance to get the production line. I would rather tear it up than let the resistance succeed. It would be better if we could control the production line of servants and civilians in our hands. Then let’s directly produce servants and civilians against aliens and play to death."
"Don’t fantasize about the impossible!" Yip hon poured a pot of cold water with a wry smile.
Li Shili also smiled, "What are you afraid of if you can’t get pregnant?"
"I’m afraid you’ll talk nonsense when you report to Beidu!"
"Don’t worry, I’ll tell you. It’s not like I’m crooked. How dare I talk to Beidu?" Speaking of this, Li Shili suddenly sighed, "I know it can’t be realized, but I really hope to see that day."
Yip hon’s face turned black. "Don’t say it’s you. Can I see that day … No, it’s hard to say whether my son can see that day!"
"Hey hey, are you going to leave this war to a generation?"
"I don’t think the question is, can I control this?" Ye Han spread his hand
"Tell you the bottom, the strategy of Beidu has never changed!" Li Shili suddenly changed a serious face.
Yip hon suddenly realized what Li Shili meant, and he couldn’t help but say, "When was it once?" The strategy of Beidu has always been to keep out the enemy, which means that a new expeditionary force will be organized in the near future!
Li Shili’s vision is profound. "Solve Io first."
Chapter 96 Depth
The results of the first negotiation were reported to Beidu immediately, which attracted the attention of the senior officials of Beidu. At the same time, representatives from all the participating countries of Al Qaeda also got the results of the negotiation and got the details of the negotiation at the first time.
The negotiation, like a storm, triggered high-level discussions in various countries, and every detail was repeatedly analyzed by groups of analysts, even if it was a humble or subtle expression.
The disclosure of information by aliens is the focus of research in various countries. Everyone hopes to get more information from words, but the opposition has never disappeared. Many people think that alien negotiations are a complete conspiracy. Aliens disclose information by carefully preparing false news. Their only purpose is to lure human fleets away from the earth and create conditions for annihilation of human fleets.
Zeng Rui’s identity has also become the key point of doubt. They believe that aliens have the ability to transform human beings, but after the transformation, there are not many places where human beings are similar. Who can prove that he is really the doctor named Zeng Rui?
Although Zeng Rui can tell many things that aliens can’t know, he also said that aliens have the ability to read memories. It is doubtful whether that person is Zeng Rui.
Not only the Al Qaeda people doubt this, but even the North also doubts their eyes.
To be honest, there are doubts not only in the North, but also in Yip Han and Li Shili. In case Zeng Rui is really an alien pretending to be Siebel goods, then this negotiation must be set by aliens.
In this follow-up negotiation of Li Shili, there were many temptations in secret, but Zeng Rui was able to make a clear statement whether in his life or in his past experience. Every temptation proved that he was Zeng Rui.
North China is still conservative about Zeng Rui’s identity, but this does not affect the negotiations.
The two sides have reached an agreement, but this is the general direction, specific issues and details, and a lot of time is needed to discuss with manpower.
The delegation in front was instructed by Beidu to immediately lay out the details of the negotiations, and the aliens had a close discussion. After in-depth discussion on the issues that had been reached, they reached an agreement as soon as possible
The front is busy, and the earth has never stopped.
Negotiating with aliens is not a trivial matter. As soon as Io released the invitation, it immediately detonated the ball. No matter whether it has aerospace ability or not, no matter whether it can participate in the negotiation, all countries discuss the invitation of aliens.
The purpose of aliens and whether to send a delegation have become the focus of debate among countries. Inviting humans by aliens Chinese characters has made countries even more unhappy. During that period, there were endless complaints from officials and people in various countries. There were always rumors that the North colluded with aliens, the North surrendered to aliens, and the North betrayed humanity.
The country that wants to send a delegation is far from the northern capital, but what does the alien Chinese character invitation mean?
Human beings try their best to understand aliens, and aliens must try their best to understand that human beings can master even the most difficult Chinese characters. Is it difficult to master English or other languages?
But the aliens just sent an invitation in Chinese characters. Who did you ask? Even countries are worried about whether their delegations will be treated badly by aliens, regardless of their faces.
Moreover, the base regimental headquarters has never been monolithic, and the infighting has never stopped. More than a dozen countries have sat together and debated whether to go to Io aliens. The Yushan and Beihai have already set off
Al-Qaeda discussed that the horse had turned into a crusade. Countries condemned Beidu and issued an invitation to aliens as soon as possible. Beidu was unable to negotiate on behalf of human aliens and asked Beidu to withdraw its delegation.
North China is tit-for-tat and outspoken. Who invited the aliens in Chinese? Are you still so clear?
During that period, there were various press conferences, but all of them went their own way, and there was no intention of withdrawing the delegation.
Nowadays, Beidu is not what it used to be. More than half of the people in Beidu have the military strength. Beidu has the ability, strength and courage to show no respect to others.
Beidu’s attitude caused great dissatisfaction in other countries, but the dissatisfaction was more than that. Therefore, high-level Beidu exhibitions in various countries frequently contacted, held frequent conferences and gradually became sparse, and soon they disappeared.
At that time, officials from various countries stationed in Beiyuezhou changed their crops neatly, and it was quite secret. But later, the personnel transfer was too dense and stupid to know what was going on. Simply put, it is necessary to admit that Beidu has the leading role in negotiations and all countries can participate.
Pay attention to the fact that he is involved and has knowledge, no advice or he is at sixes and sevens
On the whole, countries managed to change their positions before the delegations arrived in Io … If they didn’t change their positions, others sent their representatives to North Moon Island. Do you want to stick to it or be an afterthought?
As a result, during the negotiations, representatives from more than a dozen countries of Al Qaeda gathered in Beiyuezhou, and even Washington sent representatives out, and dozens of other countries participated.
Just because they don’t have navigation ability doesn’t mean they like to be represented, even if they get the latest news at the first time.
Beidu is very generous in this respect. Apart from controlling the general direction, other parties will take it out and make it public. Representatives from all countries will gather together to discuss and come up with the final result, and then Beidu will choose it as appropriate … The results discussed by all countries may not be in line with China’s interests, but it will be different after considering it as appropriate.
Beidu doesn’t want to eat alone. First of all, the high-level officials know very well that no matter how strong the Beidu family is, it is also a part of the human world. Only by relying on the Beidu strength method can we make concessions before ensuring our own interests … Concession is superficial, but in fact, it is to participate in the negotiations in depth, so that everyone can share the benefits and shoulder the burdens together.
This will definitely thin the interests of Beidu, but it will also reduce the pressure on Beidu.
It is probably because the northern capital has been pressed too hard in front of it that all countries have breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and spoke highly of the northern capital against their will. Anyway, can you do a good job without spending money?
As a result, human resistance organizations have moved from simple negotiation to practical action

In the past three days, I have practiced Baishi. I have to be at home. If I have anything to do, I have to call out the wire to grab something casually.

After this skill was launched, Baishi felt like he had three more organs.
At first, they were very unfamiliar with their sense of body-just like they were not used to holding pea brains in their hands and knowing what to do, but their hands just didn’t listen to them.
Now, after Baishi’s practice, this thing has a little automatic calibration function. There is not much problem with his throwing accuracy, but his strength is not well controlled.
In addition, due to the influence of "science", the steel wire will follow some physical rules-for example, you can’t fly halfway by turning around or hovering in the middle like a snake dance, and you have certain requirements on speed.
After seeing the butterfly, Ren was curious and looked at the white stone on his cuff. She was also interested in this new skill, so she hung her hand.
When he lifted it again, he held a steel wire claw in his hand and the remaining steel wire hung into the sleeve.
Baishi grabbed the claw and made it click for two times.
The steel claw is composed of three curved hooks. As the white stone moves, their brush tightens, from a blunt hook to a sharp claw, and then clicks and returns to its original state.
"It’s convenient to unpack and finally stop looking for scissors everywhere."
"Well …" Butterfly nodded her head with an expression full of curiosity. "But what must stick out from the sleeve? Isn’t it easy to get caught in rags? "
"You can also borrow clothes from the hem of clothes, pants and socks … and you can’t be seen by others."
Baishi lowered his head and a wire lasso was thrown out of the neckline behind him and quickly fell back and disappeared into the collar.
"So that’s it," said the butterfly, holding her cheeks. "Can you do it without any clothes?"
"…" The steel claw almost cut Baishi’s hand for two seconds. "I remember there is a store rule that seems to prohibit molesting the boss without permission?"
"What are you thinking? This is a rigorous scientific question. "Butterfly forbear to cover her face and lips in surprise."
"Swimming, bathing and hot springs are all easy to be raided. If the enemy’s bottom line is low enough, they will choose this time to attack."
This explanation is reasonable.
However, on this issue, Baishi had already tried to borrow a video recorder in the shower. Of course, he seriously destroyed all the video materials afterwards-
"Don’t be seen
"that is to say, when I am facing you, the steel wire can lean out from behind, and when my back is facing you, the steel wire can lean out from the front.
"After all, this situation that clothes can’t cover it is still one of the few places where I am used to throwing steel wires from my cuffs, which is the most convenient and I don’t deliberately observe where someone is."
"…" Butterfly stuck in a shell. She didn’t expect Baishi to actually try …
See this purple cut black clerk finally no other questions, Baishi put away the steel wire and took out the curriculum and took a look.
"It’s finally refreshed. It’s the date of the club activity on September 29th … I have to prepare my luggage today."
According to the schedule given by Suzuki Aya, the club activities will last for three days.
Although it is possible to be sent home by enthusiastic police on the first day, it is necessary to be prepared.
Baishi is going to buy a suitable suitcase.
In these three days, he didn’t meet the need to enter the virtual world again
Every day, it’s quite pleasant to pick up a plastic bag that is wet in the non-motor vehicle lane, or wake up a lifeguard in the swimming pool to save a drowning person, or sneak to the roof of the building to fix a billboard that is about to be blown away by the wind.
Although this kind of reward money is small, it is frequent-a rough calculation of Baishi’s income can now overlook the primary social animals in many island countries.
Baishi came to the shopping center and bought a sturdy suitcase with a lock.
At the time of checkout, the counter is holding a prize-winning activity every 2 cents.
Baishi reached into the prize box and pulled out four lottery tickets.
Two of them were fancy advertisements, and the other two won a bottle of coke. It was very consistent with his luck in the lottery.
The clerk looked at the lottery ticket and moved to a small rack with many double layers for Baishi to choose one.
Baishi thought it was not good when he saw the tender color matching of this pile of powder.
If you look at it again, it’s either "Leaves" or "Housewives’ Dilemma" and "He and She in a Quiet Campus" … This target group doesn’t include his novels at first glance.
Baishi looked at it in two rows for a long time and finally found one he could barely accept "Blue Kingdom"