The nerve reaction speed in eyeball is the fastest.

Other parts of the nerve reaction speed is slightly slower.
The nerve reaction speed of waist and buttocks was as low as 4 milliseconds, which was far lower than the test results before retiring.
It should be the reason why the muscle reaction speed is relatively weak.
"Teacher Luo said that he would continue to increase the speed of nerve reaction?" Xu asked abruptly.
"At present, the research theory is that the pure nerve reaction speed is not much 5 milliseconds, which is rare for you.
Most of them will do special muscle reaction speed training after the nerve reaction speed reaches 1 millisecond.
This is a course for your sophomore year.
Because of the training of muscle reaction speed, the overall reaction speed of people will be more stable and efficient, so as to comprehensively improve the reaction speed and the battlefield survival rate
It can, in turn, feed back the speed of personal nerve response. "
Speaking of which, Luo Shifeng smiled lonely. "Of course, for our nerve research, we still have to constantly increase the speed of nerve reaction."
Maybe one day, a new gene capacity chain will be discovered. "
"sophomore muscle reaction speed training class?" It’s a bit naive to make a retreat on this point.
"Of course, that is the normal progress of most students. Of course, if you want to study before, I can teach you.
Although I don’t teach the muscle reaction class in sophomore year, it’s no problem to teach you. Our neurologist has taught us that the comprehensive reaction speed is too much effort in muscle reaction speed. Otherwise, how can we avoid bullets and shoot at close range? "Luo Shifeng laughed.
"Thank you, Teacher Luo". I’ll be happy when I retire.
"But I have a small condition" Luo Shifeng laughed.
Chapter one hundred and forty Not very friendly muscle reaction training process
"In fact, it’s not a condition, it’s just my personal obsession."
Speaking of this small condition, Luo Shifeng laughed at himself first.
"I have been teaching in neurology for more than 20 years, and I have also sent several articles about the ability chain conjecture of nerve reaction speed genes.
I have been working hard in this direction all these years.
But it has never produced results.
If the bold words and conjectures were published in those days, it would become a joke for many colleagues.
But up to now, I still think that the speed class of neural response must have at least one gene ability chain, but we haven’t found it yet.
At that time, many colleagues shared my thoughts.
However, in recent years, almost everyone has given up and turned to other directions.
I am a bit stubborn and lazy.
I don’t want to change other research directions to study the half-generation neural response speed.

Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw a mysterious light shining, and the mysterious capital exorcist fell.

Hehe laughed. "It’s also a truth to say that it’s clear that teachers and nephews can make morality if they see Tao and don’t see virtue."
Can’t you stop teaching and see virtue? Even the Tao can’t tell the difference between knowing the art.
What kind of morality does this have? "
"It is also a way to learn from others, to see the law, to realize the Tao and to be virtuous."
Lingqing shook his head and said, "But your breath is always vain."
Third, the teacher’s ancestors once said that those with deep roots will get immortal Taoism, those with shallow Taoism will enter humanity
Today is the time when the fairy god killed and robbed us, so that we can distinguish between jade and high jade in this robbery. "
Xuandu exorcist said, "That’s the case. Go back and wait for all the fairies to come and break your array."
Ling Qing made a bow and said, "I’m waiting!"
After seeing all the immortals leaving, he turned around and returned to Wanxian Array.
Into the array door hexagrams Dolly Notre Dame looked at the explanation party Lu Peng asked, "I don’t know if they are confident? Is it because two scholars are coming? "
Lingqing shook his head and said, "I don’t know, but it’s best for grandmaster not to make moves."
Grandmaster didn’t make moves, but it can be said that our younger brother was born with this name because of his weak mind and every murder.
Otherwise, all sins are attributed to the grandmaster. "
Then he ordered all the immortals, "You uncles and brothers say that they have a plan and keep close to the camp gate. When they enter the battle, they must not go out to chase them."
How many people can Wan Xian kill me even if they are all armed with saints’ treasures in this array?
Otherwise, the large array will fall apart and fear its slaughter. "
"I’ll know," the immortals replied in succession.
Chapter one thousand two hundred and twenty-seven Road flyover quasi
Let’s talk about the sad face of the twelve golden lotus in the western wonderland.
The prospective Taoist looked at the murderous world of mortals in the East and sighed and said, "Brother, I robbed my relatives of being original and went for a walk."
Smell speech to lead the road flyover sorrow more thick with a sigh and said, "his three brothers have already decided by their respective brothers to finish this doom.
You’re not just bullying the small.
This world of mortals will continue to suffer because of you. "
The Taoist priest shook his head and said, "This is the number of days, so there should be 3 thousand mortals entering our west."
Yuan Tianzun and Tailaojun all know that virtue will not violate this destiny. "
Lead and sigh "that tongtian hierarch and when such as said? If you go to attack his brother and accept his disciples, will he let you rest?
At that time, it will be your fault and mine to attract poor doom because of your reckless behavior. "
The road flyover said with a sigh, "I have to do this in the West" and then took Kong Xuan.
Exorcist, the Taoist priest Xuandu, sat opposite each other.
Exorcist asked, "I don’t know where Kong Xuan Daoyou is?"
After saying this, I listened to a song saying
"Great sleep Jin Xian is not the only Western wonderful method ancestor Pu.
Immortality, immortality, three, three, three, qi, ten thousand kindness.
Silence is natural and true with change.
Tiantongshou solemnly robbed exorcist of his heart.
Get out of the lotus clean platform and take the wonderful method of two rides.
Exquisite relics are extraordinary, and the pearls are peerless.
Seven precious trees with purple flame grow golden moss in dechi
Because the eastern soil is handsome, I will meet the leading edge and have a holy baby. "
The immortals saw that Kong Xuan, the Taoist priest, had both come to Xuandu, and exorcist led the crowd to greet Lu Peng. "I didn’t know my brother had come to meet me!"
Please let Peng come to Syria to finish their respective seats and say, "Because of being original, I came to the southeast and saw hundreds of red gas rushing to know that it was predestined friends."
Being original is here to get through the fate of the West and France, so I will travel tirelessly for a while to cut off all my friends. "
Exorcist, the capital of Xuandu, said, "Brother Dao’s coming here today is a sign of the sky."
Burning the lamp also said, "Since all the immortals are waiting for us, let’s go and meet this magic array for a while."
The next day, all the disciples in Lebanon arranged shifts to strike all the immortals in Admiralty and Yuqian, and saw the Wanxian Array before they first came to it!

However, this persistence in the face of the sub-armed whaling ship will put themselves in danger. The whaling ship exploded again, and the harpoon flew over and exploded in the back of a killer whale.

Suddenly, the killer whale was raw and half of its body was bloody and rolled and whined in the water.
"Whale fat don’t close! I’ll handle it! " Zhuang got a fright not far away. Human weapons may not be very useful in dealing with creatures in exile era, but it is simply too lethal to deal with these creatures on earth!
It is a shame to explode the harpoon, a weapon that will bring huge wounds and injuries to whales and make them bleed to death.
Let alone a big-winged whale before a whaling ship explodes a harpoon. Even a giant blue whale in the sea is just a few harpoons.
But if the whale is fat, it is not fat. It swims hard from the sea and beats the sling. After finding the effect, it chases the whaling ship and beats the hull.
Such a violent movement threw Zhuang away from his back.
Not far from Zhuang, holding a broken barnacle, slowly sinking from the sea and looking up at Fang.
A large-winged whale and more than a dozen killer whales are fighting against whaling ships in vain.
The behemoths in the sea are too small in front of human ships, and the flapping of whales and the desperate impact of killer whales are not even qualified to shake the whaling ship.
Zhuang not far is not a narrow environmentalist, but he must interfere in everything in front of him!
Zhuang is not far from the sea. A turning body swings to the surface of the water and wears it on the surface of the water like a sharp arrow. He roars at the sky. "Bastard, get out of the old sea! Who gave you the courage to hunt whales in the old site! "
Zhuang not far away is not a narrow environmentalist, but according to his agreement with Cross State and Green Island, he also enjoys the jurisdiction of the nearby exclusive economic zone of 2 nautical miles. Except for Cross State fishing boats and Green Island aborigines, no one can hunt whales here without his permission!
Don’t talk about whaling. You can’t catch shrimp here without his permission!
Zhuang landed not far from a killer whale, pointing his head at the whaling ship ahead. "Listen, the whaling ship ahead, let the killer whale get out of my waters at once, or don’t blame me!"
The boatman is pointing at Zhuang not far away, and some people are laughing.
Just then, there was a loud bang and an explosion, and the harpoon exploded on the whale’s side, and the whale screamed and the blood gushed out.
"Mom!" Zhuang is not far away, and there is still a little reason to plan to drive this ship away.
But the whale fat injury has made him angry.
"ultimatum, get out of here!" Zhuang is not far from roaring.
The whaling ship didn’t roll, but the crew laughed even more.
Chapter 9 I grew up five meters, and my gun was thirsty.
Whaling ships are certainly entitled to laugh at Zhuang not far away.
Human feelings for whales are probably similar to those for giant pandas.
The whale is so clever, so cute, so cute, how can you kill it!
What an animal!
In this emotional guidance, I don’t know how many anti-whaling people have fought with the whaling ship in Fusang State at close range.
It’s no exaggeration to say that the Fusang whaling ship is the most abundant ship in the Fusang naval battle.
This seemingly unremarkable whaling ship does not carry missiles at all. It is equipped with military-grade radar equipment and thick armor, which can throw away all whaling ships or just do it.
I don’t know how many whale lovers were abused by this ship to tears and swear.
This whaling ship has been chased by a big ship and harassed by a small boat, but it is the first time for whale lovers to ride on the back of whales.
This is probably the simplest whale lover they have ever met.
"Aha, hahaha, he actually gave us an ultimatum?"
"Also said let’s roll?"
"Just one person?"
"You have the ability to let us roll?"
They know very well that there is not even a boat nearby except Zhuang.
It’s not nice to say that Zhuang is not far away, and no one knows that they killed him.
The law of the jungle in the sea, a crew member is evil to the bravery edge, and the fish gun in his hand is aimed at the killer whale not far from Zhuang.
This will not only hurt the killer whale, but also seriously hurt Zhuang!
At that moment, a grand sound came up.
"The manor is me and I am the manor!"
The smoke cleared and a huge figure stood on the killer whale.
With such a huge size, the killer whale can’t hold on to Zhuang, and its weight is slowly sinking.
Whale fat swam over and dived into the water, struggling to stick his head out of the water.
Zhuang is not far away, facing a group of stunned crew members on the top of the slowly rising winged whale, and the corners of his mouth are bent to reveal a grimace of a grin.
"I also have an exploding fishgun … it’s fair to change one for another." Not far from Zhuang, he reached into his backpack and slowly pulled it out … pulled it … pulled it …

Really is Zujide.

Fortunately, his ancestors are all flying ash, and there is no spirit. Otherwise, he would have to push the coffin board and give this old man a big mouth.
Road head high fork wear a waist that groaned.
"don’t eat a toast!"
"I will let you know that I know it!"
"The heavenly soldiers will help me!"
Sophisticated people don’t know whether they are talking about their own road numbers or their own names.
Hand conjured up a FuFeng spontaneous combustion.
Then there appeared a line in the courtyard wearing a golden helmet and a golden lux.
The first lux also knows how to fuels the veteran.
A nod with an air of sophistication.
Xianjialou LiuXianEr is laughing.
"true gentleman?"
"I’m really not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue."
"There is neither an emperor’s conferment nor a corresponding throne, and you dare to call yourself a true king!"
Listening to Liu Xianer’s words is sophisticated but unpreparedness.
"What do you know, a little family-guarding fairy?"
"Now the sky is about to be chaotic, and when the time comes, the heroes will compete with each other. I want to bet on a family that is soaring. How can Wan Li not be called a true gentleman?"
"But you come into my door quickly."
"The true gentleman lacks a mount and wants you to wait until the true gentleman gives you a seal, which is when you become a dragon."
The old road said that it was called a righteous awe-inspiring
LiuXianEr that is don’t believe a word.
"Are you the only one remanded in custody?"
"Heaven’s heroes are blind to see you, who are neither human nor ghost nor demon."
Liu Xianer’s remarks made Lao Dao angry.
It’s been exposed.
How can you not be angry?
Old-fashioned has no real meaning. It is this family that steals a little and his family seeks a little, and finally learns it, but it is really four unlike.
"How dare you slander Zhenjun!"
The group of shining golden lux shouted and rushed directly at Xianjialou.
"Do you idiots really think you are heavenly soldiers?"
LiuXianEr cold hum a.
Then there was a burst of light in Xianjia Building.
All of a sudden, these shining golden lux shining golden helmets and shining golden weapons are gone
Changed clothes, rags, hoes, sickles
Just now, the mountain soldiers will be confused and finding at this time.
At this time, Liu Xianer spoke again.
"Do you remember what you are?"
"A group of poor guys who have been tricked into soul-refining by the demon way."
"It’s time to wipe out your true spirit and let you be slaves for generations."
"It’s a pity that this demon is not skilled."
"Roots can’t do this."
"Still not dispersed?"
"Waiting to be caught again?"
The ragged farmer looked at each other.
A moment later, the farmers glared at the old man.
But no one rushed.
They all heard what Liu Xianer said.

Oh, this method is very special. It seems that it should be directly entered into memory or directly accepted.

No wonder the white tiger didn’t explain much because he was not afraid of what he would see or hear.
At this time, Bai Yixuan, who was shrouded in white light, was surprised to grow up. Because there was a person talking to him in his mind, several strange forces were rushing into his mind.
"You listen to me carefully. These are all kinds of moves of the White Tiger clan, Luo Tian Xianhou’s practice. Immediately, I heard that these moves were your father. You remember that at this time, the death of the White Tiger clan must not be careless. Since the celestial world is so now, you must never let people know about my situation of the White Tiger clan and inform your father that this person is a white tiger clan. I hope you will help me."
Words are not much, more energy will directly put the number of secret methods and moves into Bai Yixuan’s mind, and Bai Yixuan will be deceived by the whole people.
I didn’t expect a pie to fall and hit him. His head was incredible.
White light dissipates quickly Bai Yixuan leng for a while in order to be awake Bai Yixuan a recall just now things suddenly … Happy.
See Bai Yixuan smile Wentao suddenly have a bad feeling, but think about what I have told White Tiger not to tell who he is and who he is in Fang Tiandi.
But I didn’t expect the white tiger to play this skill.
"Yi Xuan is known. Thank you very much." Bai Yixuan leaned down and thanked him and took out a token from me at the same time. "This is the token of the White Tiger clan. There is a communication matrix that can be connected to me at any time. Although the White Tiger clan declined, it was just that no one was better than that because of the punishment of heaven and earth, but the strength of the White Tiger clan was even worse. But the White Tiger clan was still in a certain degree. Except for the super strong and the immortal emperor, Luo Tianxian and Luo Jinxian were very many masters, and they were absolutely strong in the same level of battle, even if they were generally immortal imperial city
This kind of thing Wentao naturally took it over first because he was curious. What did Bai Yixuan mean by saying this?
White tiger do SPAR inside what said Wentao also don’t know.
"This is not to talk again another day" Bai Yixuan to a head touch legs devoting to rapidly away.
Looking at the departure Bai Yixuan Wanbao said, "This guy just smiled strangely, especially after he took the spar, his expression and his eyes were very problematic. I think he probably knew something."
I’m happy because I got the benefit. Look at my weird eyes. Grandma must have the problem with the white tiger.
But now there is no way for Wentao to weigh the token in one hand, and now he really doesn’t
"Regardless of them, we should go back and prepare for the martial arts conference."
The shopkeeper of the Friends Teahouse is about to hold an impromptu call to know that the martial arts conference is coming soon, and this challenge of longevity club will make the fighting and competition of the martial arts conference more intense.
Just then someone came in, "Report to the big shopkeeper Bai Yixuan, who just went out to see Jiangshan and Wanbao."
Chapter five hundred and seventy-three Surging dark waves ()
I knew they had some problems, but it wasn’t quite like if Jiangshan and Wanbao were also immortals, there was no need to see that scene in front of them. It seemed as if they had found out what was wrong with them later.
And see Bai Yixuan near you? It’s even more wrong. Deliberately confuse yourself, otherwise that Jiangshan IQ won’t make such a blunder.
He should know very well that he may not know what they are talking about, but it is impossible for him to hide the fact that they met near his friends’ teahouse.
A lot of things turn around in my mind, but it is hard for people to understand this situation. She Yan has not met it for a long time.
Raise your hand and gently swing it to let the hand retreat.
It seems that I really have to take this Jiangshan seriously. This warfare conference will be more exciting than ever.
"You should all know that the Immortal Society has fought against us this time. They sent Yaori Immortal King, Bloodthirsty Immortal King, and Hedgerow Immortal King to sit in other people’s hands, which is also very sufficient, but it is still peaceful on the surface." For the time being, Wentao and Wanbao will keep things on their side in their minds, but they will be more alert to Sheyan and call them to understand.
Xianghe is one of Sheyan’s main assistants, who is in charge of information and information in the teahouse and private fighting field.
"On the surface, ten immortals have come to the longevity club, and there are three secretly stronger forces than this. Apart from reducing the punishment, the warfare meeting has gradually become a venue for major forces. Among the nine immortals, the longevity club was originally ranked in the top five because it was injured by the imperial god Long Xiandi three thousand years ago, and at the same time, it was punished by the immortal emperor. The main force of the longevity club suffered great losses. At present, the strength of the longevity club is the weakest in the nine immortals, and our friendship teahouse has risen in the recent period. Now our momentum has threatened the longevity club and the immortal emperor Nine.
"Because of this, the Immortal Society has been aiming at our members’ teahouse and private fighting field in the city of warfare. Their power is not good, and we have been suppressing them and adding that they are not strong after being frustrated. They have never posed a threat to us. I believe that the most urgent thing in the Immortal Society at present is not revenge, nor developing forces to restore their status in the past, but to fight our members’ teahouse."
After listening to the peaceful words, everyone here nodded in succession. It is very difficult for the celestial beings to appear as they have gradually developed and can compete with the forces of the nine immortals.
Even at the beginning, it was not because of how powerful it was that it replaced the once nine major forces, namely, the immortal emperor of Shushan. It was another way to challenge the other immortal emperor himself. At the same time, it had three assistants and four people joined hands to directly destroy the weakest water city at that time. At that time, the immortal emperor of Shuiyuan was also killed by the immortal emperor of Shushan, and then four people resisted the immortal emperor of Shuiyuan. Hundreds of Luo Tianxian joined forces with thousands of Luo Jinxian to attack, and finally it took a hundred years of fighting to completely destroy the immortal power of Shuiyuan.
At the same time, it also cultivated its own forces, and finally established the Shushan Sword School in the fairy world and replaced the Shuiyuan immortal emperor Shuiyuan City as one of the nine immortals.
The members’ teahouse obviously didn’t go that way, but gradually developed its power. There was a certain gap between them and the weakest immortal emperor, but the immortal society plummeted, which made them qualified to threaten the nine major powers once they got into it.
As soon as it became one of the nine major forces, it changed from the majority to the minority. Now, no matter how strong the teahouse is, even if it can engage in private fights in the Wudou City without fear of fairy rules and laws, it is still within the scope of the rules. If the nine immortals join hands to clean them up, it will be a disaster.
That is to say, they are still following the rules, but once they become the nine major forces, they are the ones who customize the rules.

Ye Han directed the soldiers to scatter poison bait near the anthill and release corresponding pheromones to induce the workers to move the poison bait, and then the workers climbed out of the anthill and dragged away the poison bait before quietly leaving the ant-occupied area.

After going back and forth for several times, but after half a day, the five ant colonies on the edge of the ant-occupied area dragged back a large number of poison bait, and the worker ants were asked to feed the queen ant with poison bait, which could poison the queen ant in one fell swoop, thus disintegrating the ant colony
If it weren’t for the military to prevent the overturning from happening again, it is forbidden for trains to enter the ant-occupied area, and the speed and area of armored trains will be several times less!
After the bait was put in, Ye Han took the soldiers to observe it for two days for 24 hours, but found no change between the ant colony and the ant colony. Everyone could not help but wonder whether the worker ants ate the bait after feeding the ants. Did the queen ant kill herself after eating the poisonous bait? How to judge whether the queen ant is dead or alive from the action of worker ants?
Chapter 142 Underground upheaval
Yip hon summarized the soldiers’ questions and immediately found out the pros and cons of Long Jianguo’s painful experience.
The advantages of poisoning are low cost and low investment; The disadvantage is that I can’t figure out the progress of poisoning the queen ant, and the bait may be eaten up by the worker ants. He and the soldiers have been waiting foolishly, but the disadvantages outweigh the advantages in any case.
The soldiers suggested a more direct and effective way, at least to let everyone know that there is no work when killing the queen ant.
Long Jianguo waved his hand and said, "Stop poisoning for what plan? It’s up to you. I’ll see the final result!"
Yip hon couldn’t help spitting, so he kicked the ball with one foot. This shopkeeper of cutting is really skilled!
Yip hon didn’t have the patience to experiment one by one. He took out two regular plans directly and carried them out at the same time.
The remaining plan is the simplest, rudest and most effective plan-directly bomb the ant-occupied area!
What American joke? Even if it’s said to be the cleanest bullet, it’s a nuclear bomb. Is it true or not? What’s the point of that thing bombing the ant-occupied area and immediately changing it into a human area? Even if people are bombed, they can’t go back and kill the giant ants.
Besides, the nuclear bomb thing is not a strong wind, and each one is expensive. Now it has occupied half of Linzhou Province. How many nuclear bombs can be used to bomb the ant area?
The surplus grain of the landlord’s house can’t be so harmful!
The new plan needs new materials. Ye Han immediately organized personnel to throw the remaining poison bait into the ant-occupied area, so that after two days, the train poison bait was already left
Two hours later, two tankers full of diesel oil and two flatbed trains were thrown to the armored train near an armored train.
The flat train transports four wheeled armored vehicles with oil tanks. After Ye Han organizes personnel to receive the equipment, the horse fills the armored oil tanks and enters the ant-occupied area.
The workers and the fire burned the Jingjiang River, and drove to the core area of a group of giant ants. Ye Han personally controlled the car to drive the odd-top hole gun and poured diesel into the ant hole.
These armored vehicles have been modified to be very humanized. Not only do they have fuel pipes on the roof, but also oil cannons are standard on fire engines. The combatants can inject diesel into the ant nest without going near the ant hole.
A large oil column poured into the pit to guard the entrance of the cave, and the soldiers were caught off guard and immediately caught a head and a face.
The soldier ant exploded on the spot and jumped out of the hole covered in diesel oil. Unfortunately, its tentacles have been soaked by diesel oil. Two tentacles are littered around blankly, but they can’t smell the enemy.
The "escort" armored vehicle immediately turned the muzzle and shelled the dead soldier ants.
In order to avoid igniting diesel armored vehicles before, they are all armor-piercing bullets!
Ye Han, who removed the nail of the soldier ant, was even more reckless. Not long after, he sent half a can of diesel oil to the ant nest and rushed to the front of the car. The driver knowingly took the armored car far away from another armored car and planned to go to the muzzle near the ant hole to aim at the ground hole and even fired several shots.
With a bang, the incendiary bomb immediately ignited the diesel, and the black smoke jumped out of the ant hole and went straight to the sky.
The volatility of diesel oil is not as bad as that of gasoline. If you throw it into diesel oil, it will be drowned by diesel oil.
The incendiary bomb must be used to ensure the ignition of diesel oil.
At that time, the fire in the ant-occupied area was filled with black smoke everywhere-it was normal that the diesel oil could not burn out due to lack of oxygen in the underground cave.
Moreover, burning consumes a lot of oxygen, and even if the flame can’t burn the queen, she can suffocate her.
As the flame spread, smoke billowed from several ant mounds nearby, and the worker ants scrambled to climb out of the hole and guard the nearby armored vehicles. Immediately, the fire killed all the giant ants in sight without hesitation.
Yip hon secretly called the ill-advised horse and ordered the troops to bombard the anthill.
A few shells collapsed the anthill, and no giant ants escaped from the ground. Yip hon couldn’t help but smile with joy.
It is true that human giant ants have neither strength nor carapace fertility, and they are worse than dozens of streets. But the greatest reliance of human beings is wisdom!
No matter how strong the giant ants are, what will happen if they dig holes and have more babies? It’s just a time difference. Bullying unarmed civilians, tight organization and changeable means, regular troops play dead these mindless ants in minutes.
The first burning of ant nests was not very smooth, but Ye Han and the combatants gained valuable experience.
When burning the second nest of ants, Ye Han did not act directly, but commanded armored vehicles to collapse the redundant ant mound to avoid the giant ants fleeing to the ground before pouring diesel oil into the hole.
Even burning three ant nests, Ye Han’s command team ran out of oil and had to leave the ant-occupied area.
On the way back, the team accidentally found a group of giant ants circling around the ant hill still smoking black smoke, but refused to leave.
It’s not surprising that the ant colony feeds during the day and rests at night. Anyway, the queen in the nest is finished, and dozens of discrete giant ants can’t become a climate.
But on second thought, I think it’s wrong. Even the giant ants in the nest are dead, but there are still ant eggs in the nest!
That thing doesn’t need to breathe unless it is directly smoked and roasted at high temperature. Maybe if the hole of the ant egg is far away from the burning area, even if the hole is filled with poisonous smoke, it can’t damage the ant egg!
When the high temperature in the cave dissipates, the discrete giant ants return to the ant cave to rescue the ant eggs, and it is possible to breed several ants and continue the extinct termite colony!
Never let the ant colony revive!
Yip hon quickly ordered the troops to kill giant ants, and each team immediately guarded a group of giant ants’ nests.
Giant ants outside the nest can neither return to the nest where the heat waves are rolling, nor run to its ant colony site to take refuge near the anthill, and they will be shot by armored vehicles, and they will bitterly hate the muzzle of armored vehicles.
According to the statistics afterwards, Yip Han and his troops shot more than 600 giant ants a day, which is only three groups of giant ants. The head said that most giant ants were suffocated in the cave, and fire attack against giant ants was far more effective than any poison bait!
Of course, success is a lot higher than poison.
However, there are also different opinions that there are not many giant ants in the cave, but many giant ants killed in the early stage. There are not many workers in the ant-occupied areas, which leads to many misunderstandings about ants in the cave.
In any case, the effect of fire attack is obvious to all, and the experience is immediately popularized by the troops around the ant-occupied area
Chapter 143 triumph
Whether to promote it or not is a matter of long Jian’s state affairs. Ye Han doesn’t care at all. How can he catch the giant ants in the net?
From his first contact with giant ants to now, Ye Han has been dealing with giant ants for more than a month. Speaking of giant ants’ habits, he knows a little more than many biologists, and he has a new plan with a change of brain.
His plan is very simple. The giant ants will rest at sunrise and sunset. Since there are fish escaping from the nest during the day, why not burn it later?
Yip hon found Long Jianguo and reported the new scheme. Long Jianguo immediately expressed his support and put Yip hon in charge.
Since Long Jianguo became the shopkeeper of cutting, Yip Han took over the command unceremoniously and ordered all the monitoring giant ant soldiers to withdraw the train, and everyone immediately returned to the dormitory to rest.
The soldiers don’t know what medicine Ye Han sells in the gourd, but the giant ants have been exhausted for two days in a row, so they just take this opportunity to have a good rest.
After dinner, the team set out again to help find an ant nest with night vision equipment. First, destroy the surrounding ant mounds one by one, leaving more than a dozen ant mounds near the core area, and then inject diesel oil into the ant mounds according to the procedure.
Soon after, the fire roared and filled with diesel oil, and the underground tunnel erupted several meters high like a burning oil well. The fire dispersed dozens of meters of darkness in Fiona Fang, and then the flame gradually shrank into the hole, leaving smoke rising slowly.
The night vision screen of the burning anthill is conspicuous and bright green, and the rising smoke is even more green and white.

She pinched her hands with her legs and twisted them with her hands.

She stroked her with the other hand.
She’s covered in blood!
She twisted and rolled all over, and finally she vomited a deep breath in her throat after a convulsive convulsion. She lay face to face and slowly stretched her limbs, immersed in the emptiness after * *.
When her limbs are tight and her muscles are stretched, a small part of her muscles occasionally beat.
Matsushima apricot has a black hair that can’t be shorter, which shows that she is cold and determined, with a slender character, and her phoenix eyes emit cruel and fierce light coldly. Her nose is straight, her lips are wide and round, and she is a beautiful woman!
There is a colorful butterfly with wings embroidered on the lower abdomen of Matsushima Apricot. It is exquisite, dexterous and lifelike. It wants to fly away with its wings. From a distance, the width of its wings seems to be black and bright, and the grassland is very bright and dazzling. She has shaved all her grasslands, and none of them show a kind of green, bright and mysterious!
Matsushima apricot walked into the door with her head held high, her eyes cold and her eyes cold, her eyes cold and cruel, her eyes straight and her waist strong, and her waist lifted slightly. She was proud and highly oppressive, and she was glamorous and heroic!
Matsushima apricot put a bronze mask in her hand, wearing a grim and gloomy mask to set off her lithe and graceful sexy * * giving people a kind of special sensory stimulation.
She held a tray in her hands, put a sharp knife with ox ears and a silk scarf as white as snow.
Matsushima apricot slowly walked over to the upside-down man, crouched down, put the tray on the ground, picked up the bull’s ear sharp knife in her right hand and stood up. She moved solemnly and coldly as if she were performing a sacred sacrifice ceremony, showing a cold and cruel smile in her eyes.
The waves saw her get up and face the upside-down man, and her heart was in her throat as if she could predict what would happen.
The snow-white wall hangs upside down * * The man’s fingers are as sharp as onions and jade hands are holding a sharp knife * * The beauty is hooked into a strange, evil, mysterious and depressing atmosphere.
The waves expected something to happen in the heart, and he tried to stop it, but he was shocked and angered that his mind was still wide awake and he did not make a move.
Matsushima apricot eyes staring at the upside-down lamb mask man’s eyes to experience the horror in the man’s eyes, her eyes gradually have a little crazy and cruel satisfaction.
The man in the lamb mask twisted his rope desperately, and there was no sound in his mouth, and he gave a "filar silk" breathing from his nostrils.
Matsushima apricot slowly walked behind the lamb mask man.
The lamb mask man wants to turn around and face the pine island apricot, but the rope is soft and he can’t do whatever he wants. The lamb man is frightened and even more helpless. He can’t turn after twisting it several times.
Matsushima apricot slowly pointed the sharp knife in her hand at the back spine of the lamb mask man, and she fixed the lamb mask man’s body with one hand.
The lamb mask man has felt the impending death and twisted desperately, but he was fixed by Matsushima apricot and could not turn.
Matsushima apricot slowly forced the sharp point of the ox ear sharp knife to pierce the bronze mask man’s spine.
Lamb mask, man’s pain, stuffy hum, twisting is even worse
Matsushima Apricot’s palm is powered by a sharp knife, which slowly strokes along the spine of the lamb mask man, spreading to the place where the blade passes. A red line spreads rapidly, marking the splashing snow-white wall like a blood arrow, forming a stunning color and dyeing it into a bright and dazzling pattern.
Lamb mask man’s feet move and twitch. Sweat and blood flow along the spine to the neck, along the neck to the hair, and drop by drop.
The ox-ear sharp knife slowly separates the muscles from the skin like a butterfly spreading its wings.
The lamb mask man’s fat is too thick. The knife in Matsushima apricot’s hand is not fast, but it is firm and powerful to row until the lamb mask man’s neck does not stop and row all the time …
The waves can’t see any more, and Venus is dizzy in front of me. I quickly close my eyes as if I were still shaking the man’s body and struggling to scream with blood …
Matsushima apricot white jade body is stained with bright red blood, bit by bit like white rice paper, plum blossom after plum blossom, piece by piece, like a painter sprinkling ink and freehand brushwork at will.
Matsushima apricot obviously regards this cruel killing and torture as an art, immersed in her own artistic world, with her face hidden in a ferocious and terrible bronze mask and her eyes flashing with crazy satisfaction, like an artist completing his best.
Little by little, the muscles and skin are getting more and more from the back of the neck to the top of the head, and the soft and thin lamb mask is cut over the forehead, the eyebrows, the bridge of the nose, the lips, the chest, the lower abdomen and the yin, and it returns to the original knife point.
Lamb mask, man, half-length bloody and red, still struggling painfully, but the struggle is getting smaller and smaller.
Matsushima apricot slowly lifted the lamb mask man’s skin to the human skin and attached it to the lamb mask man’s thigh, which made the lamb mask man struggle harder and his hands tied with cowhide tendons and fell deeply into the meat.
After a while, the skin of the lamb mask man was stripped red and bloody.
Lamb mask, man’s strength struggle, great indescribable pain, exhausted, and the twisting movement is getting smaller and smaller
Matsushima apricot slowly folds the skin like a woman’s most precious dowry, like a first-time engagement gift given by her first lover, and then gently places the tray, moving gently as if placing a piece of jewelry that a woman cherishes most.
She picked up the sharp knife with a bull’s ear and walked slowly to the man with the lamb mask.
Lamb mask, man’s eyes have been covered with blood for a long time.
The madness in Matsushima apricot’s eyes is getting stronger and stronger, approaching a vertex.
She put the knife on the lamb mask man’s throat, and her eyes watched the sharp knife go deep into the lamb mask man’s throat bit by bit, and she never missed a bit. When the lamb man struggled, he moved like a painter making the finishing touch.
The heart of the waves was in his throat, and he almost jumped to kill the vicious abnormal woman with a palm, but he still clenched his teeth and held back his eyes tightly, afraid that he would jump.
The blade goes deep into the lamb mask, and the man hasn’t come yet. Suddenly, there is a row and a tent of blood in the blade area, such as flying all over the sky. Plum blossoms spray with warm liquid, and the white walls splash with pine island apricots.
Matsushima apricot blood body suddenly burst into a strange tremor, and there was a depressed wild moan in her throat. She threw away her knife and stroked her body with both hands, immersed in this murder, and she brought strange abnormal consciousness.
She stroked her * * with one hand and twisted her legs with the other.
She slowly fell to the ground and writhed in a pool of blood
She pinched her hands with her legs and twisted them with her hands.
She stroked her with the other hand.

Deep-sea ghost iron is a very precious special ore. The dagger has not only the ability to break the true qi, but all energy can easily reach the blue flame to burn Zhang Tao * * Only looking at the ocean and sighing.

"Collapse boxing! One white and fifty strong! " And Zhang Tao’s right fist, of course, won’t be idle. He’s already waving his strongest fist!
"Wan Yan Sen Luo!" The bully tiger’s choice is still to play hardball. At this time, it is extremely clever and the blue flame is burning. Naturally, he will not retreat at all.
Two fists collided, and the two men flew out quickly. Zhang Tao was covered with flames. These flames first went crazy and entered Zhang Tao’s body, but then they ran out of Zhang Tao’s skin as they fled for their lives, but in the end they were completely wiped out by the cold of heaven and earth.
In fact, Ba Hu and Zhang Tao almost restrained each other. Unfortunately, Ba Hu didn’t know that Zhang Tao’s body had the cold flame of heaven and earth and had lost its threat. However, Zhang Tao’s right arm was in pain, and the fist strength of the other party was still too strong. Even if the ice body was strengthened on Sunday, it would be difficult to fracture.
However, on the other hand, Ba Hu stopped early and his right fist was scarred, but it happened that a blood hole was broken in his right shoulder, and the blood was wet like a fountain, but his right half was evaporated by the blue flame.
This time, the stunt of touching Zhang Tao and becoming famous by splitting the saints obviously took over. "Hey, you have such strength and you have to sneak around?" Surprisingly, Ba Hu did not continue to attack, but asked.
"Be careful" Zhang Tao replied simply that she had to live. She promised that the woman in the ice coffin would wait for her own people.
"You are born at the peak, but you have the strength that can seriously hurt me. Since you are taking advantage of others, don’t argue with others easily, right?" Ba Hu looks reckless, but he gestured to Zhang Tao, but his eyes showed that there were people lurking not far away waiting for the opportunity.
Zhang Tao is a wild goose hunter. How can he be caught by his peers? "So what do you think?" Zhang Tao asked about the fact that Zhang Tao had a general understanding of the strength of the bully tiger, and he was absolutely sure of winning. It was too much trouble for the mouse next to him
"This time, even if it’s a time, if people interfere with Grandpa, I will definitely have a good fight with you." Say that finish, Ba Hu helped himself to burst out of the right shoulder wound.
Zhang Tao also looked around and didn’t dare to hesitate to leave the place. This time, a small crisis made Zhang Tao more aware of the night killing crisis. It’s time to go back to the camp and rest. Where is he absolutely safe?
Although I have been to the camp once, the sense of belonging and calling is indelible. It seems as if distant relatives are looking forward to it. Although I don’t know how this connection is formed, Zhang Tao has to admire the first generation owner of the Magic Tower.
Zhang Tao needs to go back to the camp, but on the way, it doesn’t prevent Zhang Tao from continuing to hunt others to get points. Zhang Tao is extremely satisfied with the number of tokens in the Mishu Tower.
Nine-level Martial Arts Token can get one point, congenital condition can get two points, then Tianshi level can get three points, and so on. Generally speaking, ten points can be exchanged for good materials, so Zhang Tao’s current heritage adds up to at least fifty or sixty points
It’s not far from Gu Youjun’s camp, but there are many bodies and traces of fighting around. The thought that Mo Lengfeng might come to Zhang Tao in person makes him more and more vigilant. Because of this war, someone is bound to wait for an opportunity, just like assassinating others himself.
"Brother, run!" But a moment distant anxious sound saw two familiar sounds running away quickly, making Zhang Tao wonder if this person met Zhang Xun himself a few days ago? Who the hell are chasing them?
Soon the ghost figure behind their husband and wife appeared and saw a ghost with two tridents in his hand, killing Zhang Xun and his wife.
Zhang Tao naturally didn’t want to escape in the other direction with the ghost enemy, only to find that another breath appeared from his rear and surrounded himself and Zhang Xun and his wife, forming a form of encirclement, "bully the tiger?" The bully tiger and the ghost root are not the same camp, but they naturally know each other because of their strength and fierce name. They will not kill each other easily. They will kill strangers and earn points, and then return to the Magic Tower in exchange for what they need to improve their strength.
"Ghost brother who is your goal? There are three people here, however. "Ba Hu didn’t notice Zhang Tao. He seems to be just prey.
Just after the tiger had finished speaking, he saw Zhang Tao instantly! That’s right. Although this is a congenital master and a strange face, it left a deep impression on him, Martial Master.
The ghostly sound of "three are me" is like interfering with the sound of wooden fish knocking. If you hear it for the first time, you may feel that the echo is floating, and there is a novel feeling of dialogue outside the mountain. However, if you listen to it much, it will make people feel noisy, just like looking at a wall painted with precious landscape paintings every day and night. If you look at it for the first time, you may feel that the charm of the painting is poor, but when you see it several times, you will get bored and feel sick.
This is the fact that the ghost sound is so true. The strength of the bully tiger should be a ghost. After all, he is a celestial honour person, but the ghost strength is not weak. The thorn tiger is not willing to easily provoke them into the night killing. The biggest purpose is to find the little ones and then gain points and increase the master’s battle. It is not beneficial except dangerous.
Of course, if several masters work together to kill a word, they can make a lot of money. In a one-on-one situation, everyone will tacitly choose peace with each other. Of course, Mo Lengfeng’s abnormal case is rare.
The bully tiger smiled. "Since the ghost brother has such a good mood, he won’t bother you naturally, but you should be very careful when you are a pair of three." This sentence is even a hint and warning, but the ghost root is dismissive and won’t put it in his heart. It seems to him that these three people are just lambs who can take their lives at any time
Although the bully tiger has not gone far away, he can’t see the figure. This is also a sign for ghosts. He won’t intervene in a kind of sincerity. "Brother Da is really sorry to have dragged you into trouble." Zhang Xun looked apologetic. Obviously, this was unexpected, and so was Mulan.
"Brother Da, why don’t you leave me as soon as possible to stop ghosts? After all, our husband and wife are two people. If the tiger doesn’t chase you, then you still have a chance." Zhang Xun’s words made Zhang Tao quite moved. I didn’t expect that a person who met by chance would give up his chance of escape to himself? Just feeling guilty?
Maybe they entered the magic tower because they had to, right? "Brother Zhang is not as good as the three of us, so there is a greater chance of unity, isn’t there?" Zhang Tao said.
Zhangxun shook his head with a wry smile. "Brother Da, you don’t know that ghosts are terrible. Even if we join hands to live, the chance will not exceed 20%. Brother Da, while our husband and wife will intercept the instant, you can run for your life quickly. If we meet again in the future, we will surely drink three cups."
With that, Zhang Xun turned to face the ghost Mulan and her husband and wife for many years. They stood side by side and intended to be calm against the enemy, but for a moment they exclaimed that Zhang Tao had rushed out from the gap between them.
"Brother Da!" ? Zhang Xun is not white. He has to choose to die? Zhang Tao regardless of ZhangXun couple like to think about the left hand # # # ice flame, a strange white flame is as cold as hot and strange as a sky blue gem in the right hand, which directly makes the aura of heaven and earth and the cold of the two worlds. Zhang Taogen didn’t want to give ghosts the slightest possibility of resistance.
"Two kinds of cold heaven and earth? The man really bad "bully tiger feel this strange power in the distance in the heart secretly surprised although they don’t have the strength to deal with Zhang Tao, but the other side also has a card didn’t take it out.
The first time I faced Zhang Tao’s ghost roots, I was buried in the extreme power of heaven and earth, directly floating ice sculptures, and then melted by fire and cold frost, even if my soul was gone.
"Brother Da, you!" Zhang Xun and Mulan are already dumbfounded. Can this pound kill ghosts?
The hair returned to black. "Hehe, the other party is too careless and underestimates." Zhang Tao said while taking out the ghost body token. Although his body has disappeared, the token is still intact.
"Ha-ha, you are really bad, but you didn’t recklessly fight with me, otherwise it’s still unknown." The words of the bully tiger made the Zhangxun couple even more shocked. It turned out that Zhang Tao had already played against the bully tiger. It seems that there are a lot of hidden masters in the Magic Tower.
"Ba Hu, what are you going to do?" Zhang Tao to bully the tiger is quite afraid of this person’s strength is not weak.

"In a short time, I bought it when I went to do morning exercises. You will go to sleep again. It is not good for the skin for a woman to get up so early …" Brother Gan comforted with a smile.

"No, you are my man now. I have to wait on you!" The little witch replied with a pouting stubbornness
"Ha ha, you silly girl, why are you so stubborn? Do as you say, you are still my woman. I have to wait on you, be obedient and lie here and sleep! Sleep until you wake up naturally and eat or I’ll spank you! " Dry elder brother said yin smiled and touched a little syren plump little ass in the bed.
"You big * *!" Being attacked by dry elder brother so suddenly, the little witch was covered tightly and was blushed and scolded.
"Ha ha! Big * * is big * * Bai. Anyway, it’s nice to be big than small. Baby will sleep again … "Dry elder brother said that the little witch girl kissed her face and nodded her head with a red face.
Watching the elder brother go out with a big step, although his back is not tall or broad, it makes Ke Mengxuan feel so at ease. At this time, Ke Mengxuan is full of smiles and happy expressions. Now she feels that her decision is so English. If she misses such a good man, I am afraid she will regret a generation. Thinking about it and falling asleep with a smile. Chapter 13 Best friend.
Brother Gan went upstairs and bought two breakfasts when he came back from exercise. When he came home to the bedroom, he saw that the little witch was smiling and sleeping. He smiled and didn’t have the heart to wake her up. Then he put the little witch’s share in the microwave oven to keep warm, and then thought that he had to accompany Sun Mei and Xiaoqiang tonight. He left a note for the little witch to tell her that it might be a little late for her to come back today, so she didn’t have to wait for him to go out and buy some food, pressed the note on the table and gently knocked on the door and went out.
When I started the car downstairs, I drove to Sun Mei’s house. I just walked halfway. My cell phone rang in my pocket. I took out my cell phone in one hand and saw that it was Sun Mei calling. I thought this little bitch was quite anxious. I couldn’t wait for this moment, so I answered the phone and said with a smile, "What’s the matter, Mei Jie thinks so? I can’t wait for this moment?"
"Ha ha virtue! Who can’t wait for Xiaoqiang to keep saying why Uncle Superman hasn’t come yet? Why doesn’t Uncle Superman come soon? I’ll call you! " Sun Mei criticise way
"Hey, Xiaoqiang thinks, don’t you want me to be good at Mei Jie?" Dry elder brother yin asked with a smile
"Think about it! Look at you! " Sun Mei was tied up by him and could not answer with a smile.
"Ha ha, that’s more like it. I’m driving. I’ll arrive at her in ten minutes …" Brother Gan said with a smile.
"Then I won’t tell you more. You have a good car, Xiao Gan. By the way, I’ve made breakfast. Come and eat quickly …" Sun Mei told me when he heard that Brother Gan was driving.
"Ha ha, Mei Jie, you and Xiaoqiang should eat first. I have already eaten before me …" Brother Gan replied with a smile and then hung up after talking to Sun Mei again.
"Mom, how can I eat? Didn’t you say you had to wait for Uncle Superman to come and eat together? " When Sun Mei asked Xiaoqiang to have dinner, Xiaoqiang stared at him with big eyes and asked.
"Ha ha, your uncle Superman finished eating, so let’s eat Xiaoqiang first …" Sun Meixiao said, and then he and Xiaoqiang came to the table to have breakfast together.
Before they finished eating, I remembered the brake sound outside. Brother Gan parked the car and smiled and came to the front of the villa. Before Brother Gan knocked on the door, Sun Mei quickly knocked on the door. Then he took a look at Brother Gan with a smile on his face. Brother Gan also wanted to tease Sun Mei. When he saw Xiaoqiang and the nanny inside, he quickly put away his color and entered the door. Xiaoqiang ran over to his arms before he finished eating. Brother Gan picked Xiaoqiang up and turned several times. He smiled and looked at Brother Gan happily for a while and asked, "Uncle Superman, I miss you so much. Why didn’t you come to see it for such a long time
"Ha ha, uncle is not busy. Besides, uncle is here. Uncle is not leaving today. Will you accompany Xiaoqiang?" Dry elder brother took out his coaxed child collar said with a smile
"good!" Xiaoqiang said happily clapping his hands when he heard the words of Brother Gan, and then ran to Sun Mei’s arms to show off, "Mom, mom, did you hear that? Uncle Superman said that he would stay with me today …" Sun Mei looked at Brother Gan with Xiaoqiang like a dissatisfied housewife, and at this time, Brother Gan’s eyes were also guilty.
Where can I not know that Sun Mei taught her to think about herself? A woman can’t be so straightforward, so Xiaoqiang called her brother to do it on an excuse. I really feel very sorry. The two women, especially Sun Mei, can’t give anyone any birthright, but they have to pay so much. Ah, they are just two women. They are all busy with themselves. I don’t know how those three wives and four concubines in ancient times suffered! Thought of here dry elder brother nai shook his head.
Dry elder brother took Xiaoqiang from Sun Mei’s arms and asked, "Has Xiaoqiang been obedient recently? Did you make mom angry? "
"No Xiaoqiang is obedient. Xiaoqiang won’t make his mother angry, Uncle Superman …" Xiaoqiang naively replied.
"Ha ha, you little rabbit told you to call your uncle King Kong gourd doll. Why are you called Superman again? Is your ass itchy?" Brother Gan patted Xiaoqiang’s ass and then picked up the little guy.
"Ha ha … hey hey, I was wrong, uncle …" Xiaoqiang was groaning and panting, and begged for mercy with a smile.
"Ha ha, you little guy, that’s more like it!" Brother Gan said and held Xiaoqiang in his arms.
"Uncle Jingang Huluwa, will you and your mother take me to the playground today? I’m going to play a roller coaster … "Jack Bauer said in his arms.
"Ha ha good uncle will take Xiaoqiang to the playground today. Uncle will take you to play whatever you want …" Brother Gan promised with a smile and then let Xiaoqiang go. At this time, Sun Mei also came out from the bedroom and put on makeup and clothes. She smiled and looked at this dozen and a small one, and almost shed tears in her eyes. Xiaoqiang hasn’t been so entangled with a man for a long time since her husband died. She wanted to keep this man around forever, but she knew that this man was destined not to be alone.
"Mom, Mom, Uncle King Kong Huluwa promised to take me to the playground …" Sun Meizheng mused and Xiaoqiang shouted excitedly and jumped into her arms.
"Ha ha, good boy, will you start with your uncle?" Sun Mei asked lovingly.
"Well …" Xiaoqiang cleverly lit his head and then took his mother’s left hand and his dry elder brother’s right hand and happily walked outside. Dry elder brother and Sun Mei smiled at each other with their eyes full of friendship. They both knew.
Brother Gan hit the car door. Sun Mei sat in the co-pilot Xiaoqiang. When he was clever and sat in the back, Brother Gan started the car, he secretly touched Sun Mei’s small hand, which was knocked off by Sun Mei. Then he glanced at his son Xiaoqiang from the rearview mirror. He looked at Uncle King Kong Huluwa and his mother and asked, "Mom, Uncle fine steel Huluwa held your hand. Why don’t you let him hold it and hit him back? Our teacher said that children holding hands are good friends …"
After listening to this little guy’s words, Brother Gan almost burst into laughter. I thought that your little tube was so small that you knew how to help me eat your mother’s tofu. Sun Mei blushed there and didn’t know how to answer his own questions or Brother Gan took the opportunity to take Sun Mei’s little hand and said to Xiaoqiang, "Who said that my mother wouldn’t let my uncle hold hands? My mother and I were the best’ good friends’ to die!" At Sun Mei dry elder brother said * *.
Sun Mei knew that this little * * wanted to do something dirty again, but the elder brother smiled and said to Xiaoqiang, "Ha ha, my mother was just joking with my uncle … Chapter 133 Xiaoqiang’s request.

That’s what Elaine Lin meant. Her appearance was really soft and sour, like collapse, and her temples still ached faintly. Even the chain reaction of shock and fright made her want to get up. She even jumped and ran away from this place, but she was unable to make a plea to the waves. She was embarrassed to say that she was blushed for being said by the waves first.

The waves said, "this is your own request, not that I want to hug you. Don’t say that I take advantage of you after a while."
Elaine Lin glared at the waves and whispered, "If you want to hug you, why do you talk so much? If you don’t want to hug me, forget it."
The waves laughed, "I hug me, I hug you, a delicious beauty. How can I not want to hug you?"
The waves leaned over and reached behind Elaine Lin with one hand and bent her legs with the other hand to pick her up.
As soon as he bent down, the two men met face to face. The two faces were very close, breathing and smelling each other. Almost everyone could hear each other’s heartbeat. The waves saw Elaine Lin’s face redder, which made her look shy and charming.
Elaine Lin smelled the strong smell of men in the waves, and her heart trembled. She dared not look at the waves, and her eyes were like a deer drumming and jumping.
The waves are urging him to do something, and Elaine Lin’s petite body will be picked up by him.
Elaine Lin suddenly said in a low voice, "No!"
The waves stopped moving, and he held a gesture and said, "Don’t? Don’t mean to say no, I’ll hug you, but you can go by yourself? "
Elaine Lin blushed and said, "No, I mean, if you hold me like this, I will … Can you carry me behind your back?"
The waves know that Elaine Lin feels that she will face to face when she holds her in this way, so she will feel shy and let him carry her so as to avoid being too embarrassed when they face each other.
The waves smiled faintly and said, "But I will be a pig ring once!" "
Elaine Lin didn’t react for a moment and said, "What do you want to be a pig ring?"
The waves laughed, "pig quit carrying his wife!" "
Yi-Lian Lin was so ashamed that she gently beat the waves and smiled and said, "Who is your daughter-in-law?"
The waves turned around and leaned over to face Elaine Lin and laughed. "Whoever asked me to carry it is my wife!" "
Elaine Lin leaned over the back of the waves and retorted, "You don’t call it a pig’s wife, you call it a black likui jy’s mother!"
The waves got up and laughed. "Don’t you dare take advantage of me or I’ll throw you into the ditch!" "
"Don’t you dare!" Elaine Lin twisted the ear of the waves and smiled, "Good horse, run!" "
Just now, it was a ready-made horse. The waves were breathless by Elaine Lin’s ear, like a coquetry. Where would you be angry? Instead, you were full of energy. Instead, you stretched out your hand and turned your back against Elaine Lin’s hips, and she stepped forward with an arch back.
Actually, Elaine Lin had strength when they laughed. She was nervous but not really sick. When the waves laughed, she relaxed and naturally had strength. But she was too embarrassed to say that she would not be carried by the waves, as if she were a woman who is often repeated. Moreover, she still hoped that the waves would carry her when she leaned over the waves and carried the waves. The strong masculinity made her fascinated. When the waves held her ass in both hands, a heat came from the palm of the waves and spread rapidly. Her body was as itchy as a trickle. I couldn’t say how comfortable it was! This heat flow finally merged into the lower abdomen to form a warm and comfortable flame. The lower abdomen was slightly hot and moving, and suddenly there was a warm current flowing from the lower abdomen to the little peach blossom hole in the legs …
Chapter two hundred and twenty The last window paper
Elaine Lin knows that she is wet!
It made her feel ashamed that a strange man had let himself get wet! How come? But the fact is that the warm current really made her wet!
She leaned over the back of the waves and felt her cheeks burning. Although she couldn’t see it, she felt that her face must be red like a fire. She was glad that the waves just couldn’t see her face. She was glad that Elaine knew she was wet!
It made her feel ashamed that a strange man had let himself get wet! How come? But the fact is that the warm current really made her wet!
She leaned over the back of the waves and felt her cheeks burning. Although she couldn’t see it, she felt that her face must be red like a fire. She was glad that the waves couldn’t see her face. She was glad that she didn’t let the waves hold her. Otherwise, she would have a panoramic view of her blushing. She would be teased by the waves for hearing her heartbeat. Every heartbeat tells her secrets. Every secret tells her girl. This * * can’t be said by outsiders. She can taste it herself and understand it herself.
She doesn’t know her experience and physical changes. She’s an old hand in love. She knows the psychology and physiology of women like the back of her hand. What kind of woman has she never seen before? What kind of woman has not passed? What kind of experience and physical changes will Elaine Lin have when leaning over a man’s back? He can’t guess.
Of course not! The waves are laughing in their hearts now!
The waves not only snickered at his hand in his heart, but also deliberately explored the depth of Elaine Lin’s buttock groove. He leaned her back to back, and sometimes his fingers deliberately pushed into the thigh groove, and even his fingers touched some soft places …
His hands are behind his back, two palms are behind his back, and ten fingers on Elaine’s bottom are just placed in the groove. With his pace, each trembling finger goes deeper and deeper, which makes Elaine feel a twinge of soreness, numbness, itching and crispness. Every twinge of soreness, numbness, itching and crispness causes meaning and body waves. Every body wave will make a splash, and spring water will flow from the lower abdomen to his legs … Even the waves can feel the fingertips touching the warm and soft places, and his fingers are wet, sticky and wet, and feel hot and humid.