Not far from Zhuang, every time I go back, I see two people smiling on the surface, P, all kinds of husband-and-wife drama.

Zhuang Dad has the first-Mover advantage and a large manor house, which still maintains the leading edge.
But Zhuang Ma also has the backing of the whole Weaver race, and these cheap and super efficient laborers are trying to catch up.
In order not to be caught head-on by Zhuang Ma, Zhuang Dad has tried his best recently. He not only desperately developed Zhuang Ji Winery, but also developed Dazhuang Winery. At the same time, he also acquired two poorly managed wineries, intending to benefit himself in cultivating fermented fungi, not based on high-end development to the middle reaches.
Of course, every decision he makes has to ask for advice from Zhuang. After all, this son has a broader vision now.
He doesn’t know if it’s Zhuang Ma, and he’s here all day to make Zhuang not far away.
The most troublesome thing is that both of them feel that Zhuang is not far away from their own camp! It’s not far from Zhuang, so it’s hard to be a playwright all day.
At this moment, Zhuang is not far away from seeing Zhuang’s father coming, and suddenly Naishou Jiaforehead is coming again!
One day he will be broken by the couple who find out the truth!
At that time, men and women mixed doubles, maybe they went to sprinkle dog food with kindness and love, leaving their legs interrupted and unable to take care of themselves. He cried in the back.
And it seems that this day is not far away …
If I had known today would have happened!
But at the moment, you can’t reveal the truth. Zhuang quickly adjusted his face. "What’s wrong with Dad?"
"Alas," Zhuang Dad sat down. "Isn’t this a horse going to buy raw materials when the winter wheat harvest season is coming? Who would have thought that food was so expensive this year? The price of food around the virtual city has risen by three or four layers! "
Zhuang Dad patted his thigh. "I asked you, Uncle Mao, and your Uncle Mao also said that the grain has gone up strangely this year. It hasn’t been harvested yet, and the grain collectors have all arrived at the property. He has come to talk with several grain growers about the acquisition price …"
"What do you think this can do?" Dad Zhuang shook his head again and again. "No, when the time comes, our family will be weak, and the yin will flourish and the yang will decline. Where should our father face? Hurry up and think of a way for me!"
Not far from Zhuang "…"
At this moment, his mood is messy, his right hand is ready to move, and his heart is full of slots. If he is not worried about being slapped by Zhuang Dad, he will slap it out at this moment.
Excuse me, father, when did you have a "great shock" and "return of yin and yang" in our family, and you had the illusion of face?
He was just about to vomit a few words from his father when his heart suddenly moved.
"Hey, wait … you said that people everywhere in our virtual city are desperately buying food?"
And ….. Or the international grain merchant giant in the acquisition?
"It’s absolutely bad to involve international grain merchants …" Zhuang shook his head not far away.
Grain is the most special kind of business owned by human beings.
Other suppliers have no alternative to find, which can slow down the demand or even give up the demand.
However, it is impossible to give up when there is food. Once there is insufficient food, people will suffer from malnutrition, the birth rate will decrease, and the death rate will increase, eventually reaching a balance.
It has been said that whoever controls oil controls all countries; Whoever has mastered the currency issue will control the world; Whoever has the grain will control mankind.
Some people also say that food is a war nuclear weapon, which can kill people without seeing blood.
At present, there are four major grain merchants in the world, who have mastered the% share of global grain trade and international grain pricing, and they have invaded almost all state agricultural circles like wolves, which can be said to be impossible.
There are very few States where they are trying to get their hands on them.
State is one of them.
As early as the beginning of the century, they wanted to invade the state. The battle led to the fall of the soybean line in the state, and the pricing of edible oil was swept by genetically modified soybeans that were completely mastered by the four major grain merchants … It can be said that it was a fiasco.
However, the state’s ability and determination to learn is that they imagined that a few years later, when they wanted to get their hands on the state’s staple food, they were stubbornly attacked by the state, which made people feel afraid of food reserves and made every effort to stabilize food prices.
After a grain war, the four major grain merchants finally failed and several speculators even declared bankruptcy … The combat effectiveness of the state grain corps is much better than that of finance!
Ten years later, according to the trade agreement, the state will release the grain market … Are these grain merchants still coming again?
"Here comes the evil wolf … how did you sing that song?" Zhuang buqian asked
"Good wine when friends come …" Dad Zhuang smiled.
"The wolf is coming. There are war dogs …"

"First of all, we have to take out all kinds of knives and buy this chariot." Zhuang patted the big guy around him. "We are trying this chariot, and I don’t want to return it."

So we’re trying? It’s also how the king has the money to buy such an expensive chariot!
But this is a good try! You made so much money by trying once!
"Yes, yes, yes!" Everyone nodded. This chariot is too powerful and cool. Now they have no idea what to do without it.
"Then I want to buy another one."
This is a bit tangled. Is it necessary to buy another one?
A few people came to the roof and roared, "whoever opposes buying another car will sit on the roof!" "
It doesn’t feel good to be upset on the roof without saying that it’s weathered.
And they really feel the benefits of this chariot. If it weren’t for this chariot, they wouldn’t be able to make the money at all.
What would it be like if there was another one?
Think about how cool it is for two chariots to gallop on the battlefield and be immersed in gunfire!
"But don’t worry, I can get a friend’s discount. This chariot is only 60,000 yuan."
Mercenaries are boasting and disgruntled people are overjoyed. Of course, they want to buy buy buy because it’s so cheap! Is it still a person if you don’t buy it?
Sampras also nodded and took out a small note to write this down.
"We lost 11 brothers in this operation. Let’s give each of these brothers a pension of 50 thousand dollars."
Sampras shook his head and said, "There are two brothers who have no one at home."
The carriage was full of heavy sighs, but no one objected, but there was a strange burning sensation, like something was burning.
50 thousand pension? If you die before, you will be lucky to get 10 thousand dollars.
"How much is left?" Zhuang asked Sampras not far away
"There are still 1.95 million," Sampras said.
"Give him 10,000 dollars."
Everyone looked at each other, and three mercenaries came out, a little ashamed and a little expecting.
"Let’s divide the remaining people into 10,000 knives except me." The mercenaries looked at each other again.
This is too little, isn’t it
"Your Majesty, I don’t want any money, and there is no one at home," Sampras said.
"I’m a king, too. There are few people in my family. I just want to follow you, king!" There are also two mercenaries who say that they are close friends of Zhuang.
"Let you take it," said Zhuang not far away. "How much is left now?"
"140,000 …"
"It’s all me," Zhuang said not far away.
The carriage was silent.
Your Majesty, can you be more ashamed?
Your Majesty, aren’t you really afraid that our mutiny will tie you to a roast bird?
Mercenaries now want to carry guns and sift Zhuang not far away.
Zhuang skipped out of his room not far away.
Experience is like a one-meter child.
I made money, I made money ~
It’s really relaxing to make money recently!
Praise me! Praise me for making so much money playing trumpet!
Then I saw that the manor manager and deacons were discussing something seriously in the meeting room of the master room.
"What will you be? What are you discussing? " Not far from Zhuang, I recently went to sit down and asked
"Master Zhuang, we are calculating the minimum cost of building a small manor town."
"Oh, what has been discussed?" Not far from Zhuang, he sat awkwardly. "How much do you need?"
We can make money for you at any speed!
1.7 billion "
Zhuang froze not far away. "How much?"
(For the amount, please refer to the news report that the reconstruction fund of a famous earthquake area in the state totals 1.7 billion public data. The annual fiscal revenue of a second-tier city is 100 million. The fiscal revenue is already very low. Compared with an enterprise, the efficiency of making money and spending money is not at the same level. It is simply too difficult for a city to be as rich as an enemy …)
Chapter 53 The place where I walked was called White Wolf City.
A group of mercenaries in the armored car are ready to move, and their minds fantasize about 700 kinds of impulses to kill Olion
But they’re just thinking about it. None of them dare to move.
"I support the king! Without the king, we can’t even earn 10,000 knives! "
"For a $10000 than before I can be a lot! And how long has this been! " Not far from Zhuang, two brain-dead powder jumped out to show loyalty.
Olion’s facial expression
Sampras also smiled slightly. "I still say that I want money. There is nothing the king wants to say. Take my 10 thousand, too."

Then he threw all kinds of things into a metal can to observe the reaction of these things and reported to Zhuang not far away, "Zhuang Zhu, a microorganism, can change the structure and properties of objects, and the surface looks like it is petrified …"

"Change the nature?"
"Master Zhuang, do you know about silicified wood?"
"Silicified wood?" I really don’t know if Zhuang is not far away.
"For trees buried in the ground for tens of thousands of years, silicon has continuously infiltrated into the wood department and carbon in the wood has been replaced for a long time, and it has become a silicified wood that keeps the appearance of trees like stones."
"But … this change process is not the same as silicified wood. After the transformation, it is not silicon nor in the periodic table, but something that I can understand. How is it possible that all elements should be able to be inferred from the periodic table …"
Biologists, first of all, chemists, the foundation of modern chemistry will be subverted. Gong Liubo feels that his world outlook has been hit by emotion, and the blood vessels in his forehead are jumping as if he were about to blow his head in a second. He quickly covered his forehead for a long time before he almost blew his head off and collapsed the world outlook.
Next to this situation, Nong Lixin has experienced it many times, and his state is relatively good. He said, "There may not be dark matter."
"Dark matter?"
"At the end of the universe, we can see that matter can be observed through a gravitational lens. Physicists speculate that dark matter accounts for 26% of the total mass and energy of hubble volume, dark energy accounts for 63%, and ordinary matter accounts for 49%."
He paused. "That is to say, our world is 49% of this universe."
Zhuang sighed not far away, and maybe 95.1% of them are not observed. The world composed of matter and energy is the world of manor owners.
The other side of the universe has a higher energy level and a more mainstream world.
This universe is just like little Fulai. It turns into a huge shadow dragon …
On the back of the material world is that method to explain the shadow world.
"This microorganism is amazing, but we haven’t found that it divides or reproduces at all. Maybe it can reproduce in the human body, or maybe this microorganism comes from the human body, and a body cell is a differentiated cell produced by the human body … At present, we have come to the conclusion that we will try to cultivate it, but I don’t have much hope."
"No matter how many things we can explain, Master Zhuang, you need a physicist …" Nong Lixin said that they are biologists after all and can explain all this in the life category.
"Physicists who can hold on to all this without exploding their heads" finally stabilized to Gong Liubo’s emphasis.
"I think it’s better to wait and see …" Not far from Zhuang’s headache.
It is too early to explore the mystery of the universe.
But when the two state teams in NBA arrive, he can complete the achievement of "minister or death", get the "lock pick" and pry other manor stone doors to reach the other side of the world.
I’m a little excited to think about it
Of course, now we should first think about this new discovery, Ruli, and build our own master’s room.
"Landlord, this is a very expensive stone …" Next to the old boom, he looked at the leaf over and over. "We found that in many manor ruins, manor owners used this kind of stone to build houses. We call it the manor stone, which is tougher than many metals, but it is a pity that it is forged by the law …"
"So powerful?"
"Very impressive," the old man nodded. "If I remember correctly, the steam core of the mechanical giant dog is the wear-resistant gasket made of manor stone to ensure the operation of several eras …"
Not far away, Zhuang finally knows what kind of people are the most relied upon by manor owners and the best masons in the manor owners’ era.
Because they are a walking stone vein … Their stonemason skills may still be second …
"That is to say, if this kind of thing builds a house, even if Xiaofu fights with Daniel, it won’t break my house?" Zhuang asked not far away
"Well, if it weren’t for too much effort, I guess it would be okay?" Lao Bang can’t guarantee that, after all, the farmer’s family cultivates cattle, banyan and bat Gongying, which are different from other people’s families …
"That’s no problem …" Not far from Zhuang, there was a deadly trap when his eyes turned.
A master house in the backyard of the manor has sprung up.
Not far from the principle of livability, the owner’s room is not built too high. The top three floors look very low-key, like an ordinary villa everywhere.
It’s a little big.
When the wooden stick was brought to the backyard by the old boom, I saw that the building was a little lost.
Then he saw Zhuang not far from sitting on the roof and patting him, saying, "Come on, cudgel!"
"go? What are you doing? "
"Look at the shadow!" Zhuang is not far from pointing to the big tree hanging in front of him, and there is a projector beside him

"We can give you a good time by handing over the keel!"

"Keel" Zhao painstakingly eyes micro immediately show disdain sneer at.
"Are you also worthy?"
Weng Tongshu’s inarticulate smell speech directly produced a sword, which turned into a straight line and stabbed Zhao painstakingly in the throat.
The light of the sword is like a line.
Gas seems to be divided into two parts by this sword.
Yun Song double thief glances followed by qi qi.
Although the two brothers have different weapons, a chain machete and a large horse-chopping knife are good at a converging attack, and one person can attack far and one person can double the combined force in melee.
Zhou Jia’s face remained the same, and his wrist trembled. soft sword trembled like a poisonous snake spitting letters, and the cold and cold shock wave roared out
"Ah …"
In the face of all the offensives, Zhao painstakingly seemed to take the initiative to move closer to Weng Tongshu, depending on his body.
This step of his seems to be self-defeating, but it makes Zhou Jia secretly praise.
Weng Tongshu’s swordsmanship is ruthless, decisive and sharp, but it also means that it is not easy to change after the sword is issued, otherwise it will not only greatly reduce its power, but also show flaws.
However, in the face of Zhao’s painstaking efforts, even if he is seriously injured, he will surely be uneasy and will temporarily retreat and wait for the opportunity.
And as soon as he retired,
His double-thief offensive in Yun Song will also fall, and even four people will be surrounded by loopholes
The sword is ringing, and it is determined to move forward.
Zhou Jia suddenly raised his eyebrows.
In an instant he realized that he had guessed wrong.
as expected
Never underestimate a person, especially one who kills his wife and children by himself.
In the face of Zhao’s painstaking approach to Weng Tongshu, he didn’t retreat at all. His eyes were dead, and the sword light in his palm suddenly reached its peak.
Bright light almost blinds others’ perception.
A sword pierced the throat.
Zhao’s painstaking fist also fell on Weng Tongshu’s face.
an instant
That is, it is tragic to divide the outcome and life and death.
However, the situation of the two people is very different. Weng Tongshu’s head was smashed by a fist and became a corpse. Zhao painstaking did not die.
It is not seriously injured!
Weng Tongshu’s sword was tempered by Kong Tong Kung Fu after piercing the flesh, and the forced distortion of the flesh made a long gap in the throat.
Not fatal.
A boxing kill Weng Tongshu Zhao painstakingly moved to see Yun Song double thief offensive step towards Zhou Jia.
At the same time, his fingers stretched out and his hands clenched, and a force fell like a mountain, which made Zhou Jia’s figure stagnate.
When Zhao painstakingly made a choice, Yun Song’s eyes lit up, but he was not attacking Zhao painstakingly, and Zhou Jia was also covered in it.
If Weng Tongshu dies, he will kill the landlord of Xueteng Building with the goal of solving it.
That benefit
That’s the two of them.
Zhou Jia wanted to retreat and was locked by Zhao’s painstaking fist. He didn’t dare to relax and be distracted to resist Yun Song’s double thieves.
"Ah …"
Light ah, Zhao painstakingly changed his body again and turned to ignore Zhou Jia’s sword. His back was exposed to the other side’s sword and he bent over and rushed to Wang Yun.

Compared with the ability of gene chain support, the acquisition ability is very weak

But this little sword is different.
Xu tui feels that it should be strong.
This is also the reason why I am a little lonely at the moment.
At the end of these people, they dare not look for someone to try and be afraid that they can’t stand it.
If Sigh were to retreat, he might not hesitate to try chopping a sword.
Well, far away in the Unout Asteroid Laboratory, Sigh’s sign sneezed with a suspicious look and blinked. "Which turtle is calculating the old age?"
At this moment, I want to meet an enemy.
Try the sword
It’s this lonely place. It’s either celestial or dark at first glance, let alone it’s not easy to meet an enemy or see a living thing.
"Body members pay attention to entering the Terry meteorite belt. meteorite shower will happen here at any time.
The charging status of all fighter shields will be extended.
Everyone is in a state of readiness! "
A Huangyin suddenly echoed in all fighter planes and ships. Whether training or resting, or doing other things, the fighters silently wore belligerence and entered the ejection system of their respective cabins and were ready to take place at the same time.
Xu back is gently hug AnXiaoXue to his chair, just want to say for a while if there is an accident, I’m blocking the haven’t say it for you, but AnXiaoXue broke free and returned to his chair.
"I am also a practitioner. If I encounter a crisis, I will ask you for help, but I will not be sheltered by you."
AnXiaoXue lips pursed and looked at xu back.
This made the horse realize what the problem was, but it was blocked by An Xiaoxue’s light vertical finger.
"I know you don’t need to explain!
But I am an xiaoxue! "
Say that finish AnXiaoXue agile wear war hands back quickly will be scattered long hair holding up the whole body spirit a swing breath majestic conveniently solved the cockpit ejection insurance.
Xu tui looked at Zheng slightly and then nodded. "It’s an Xiaoxue alone for you!"
AnXiaoXue gently nodded.
Hundreds of millions of celestial bodies, large and small, are floating in the Terry meteorite belt.
But the actual density is not as dense as that of remote sensing images, and the minimum distance is tens of kilometers.
Then this distance becomes very short relative to the speed of the fighter.
Before entering the Terry meteorite belt, Huang slowed down the dish fighter continuously.
Less than ten minutes after entering the Terry meteorite belt, a big meteorite suddenly accelerated towards the position of the No.7, No.9 and No.9 machines.
Don’t retreat. Tell Huang to control these three fighters to dodge.
But just as Huang dodged, this huge meteorite suddenly disintegrated and turned into a meteor shower all over the sky, and the whole fleet was bombarded at a high speed.

The waves also kissed Mei Yufang.

Mei Yufang’s nose is slightly hooked, which makes men who want to kiss her have to slightly side their faces to kiss her lips better. This amorous feelings makes men have an unspeakable pleasure and sweetness.
After two people kissed deeply and sweetly, Mei Yufang opened her eyes and stared at the face of the waves near at hand.
The male glory of the waves still stays in Mei Yufang’s body, but at this time it is suddenly extracted. At the same time, he extracts the male glory and his face becomes cold and gloomy, showing his emotional personality!
Looking at the gloomy waves, Mei Yufang suddenly felt that she had failed, because from beginning to end, the wave control bureau controlled her emotions step by step, tempting her to slide into the abyss, while he was very calm and could get out of it.
-originally not seduce him but he seduce himself!
Mei Yufang thought of this and felt that she had never failed since she made her debut. The waves have no nostalgia for her body. How can she carry out a one-step plan?
Of course, she still has many tricks to make men want to die more than heaven, but watching the expression on the waves won’t give her this chance again!
She suddenly hated herself for letting the waves get to her too early-but can she master it? It has always been the waves that control her emotions and tease her * *!
The waves are very chic. Put the male glory back in his pants, tie up his belt, tidy up his clothes, wash his hands on the sink, and he never moves in an orderly way, showing that he is an orderly, calm and confident man.
Mei Yufang sighed faintly, straightened up from the makeup mirror and jumped to tidy up her clothes. Her heart was full of a sense of loss. Now she has no confidence to persuade the waves to join hands with Chen Jinqiang.
After the waves washed their hands, they calmly glanced at Mei Yufang and suddenly smiled.
Yu-fang mei also smiled a little bitter.
The waves suddenly said, "When are we going to see Chen Jinqiang?"
Mei Yufang paused for a moment without responding, then came to eat for nothing and said, "You … you … you guessed?"
The waves laughed and said, "I can throw my hand and ignore you because you think I’m stupid. I’ll be rude to you, but I can go and meet him if Mr. Chen is willing to let me fuck his woman."
Mei Yufang nodded and said, "Okay, okay, let’s go now."
The waves glanced at Mei Yufang and smiled, "How can you go like this?"
Mei Yufang has a look at her pants. She is still exposed. Although she is an old hand, the strange eyes of the waves also feel a kind of * * naked feeling. Her face turns red and she quickly wears pants to wash her hands, and her face is neat and makeup.
The waves waited for Mei Yufang to tidy up before saying "Let’s go"
Mei Yufang said "Let’s go" with a small purse in one hand and a wave arm in the other.
As soon as the waves pushed the door, one hand led him in. It was Mei Yufang.
Mei Yufang hugged the waves and kissed her hot lips.
The waves leaned against the washing door and accepted Mei Yufang’s kiss. The response was warm and kissed back. They quietly inserted the bolt of the washing door and were broken in.
Mei Yufang kissed passionately and sweetly, demanding degrees crazily. She had long been aroused by the hook of the waves, and now she seized the opportunity and didn’t swallow the waves even with the belt bones? She kissed the waves and started to take off her clothes.
The waves are kissing Mei Yufang and touching her at the same time. * * Mei Yufang * * is not too big, but the small and exquisite grip type * * has long been strong. After being roughly twisted by the waves, Mei Yufang’s lips trembled and whispered, and the waves groped for her hands more crazily.
The waves kissed Mei Yufang’s lips and slowly kissed her earlobe and kissed her neck from the earlobe.
Mei Yufang closed her eyes and enjoyed the waves kissing the waves. The other hand touched Mei Yufang’s hips and reached in from her fork.
Mei Yufang’s legs have long been flooded with spring water.
The waves rudely grabbed Mei Yufang’s shoulder and turned her back to face the washing mirror.
The waves didn’t take off their pants, but zipped up and pulled out hard and straight male glory aimed at Mei Yufang’s hips.
Mei Yufang holds the dressing table in front of the cosmetic mirror with both hands and looks at herself and the waves from the mirror reflection.
The waves also looked at Mei Yufang from the mirror reflection. His face was cold, his eyes flashed with the light of abuse, and his mouth was evil. All this made Mei Yu’s heart itch even more, and he hoped that the waves would severely trample her, destroy her and torture her.
The waves are very rough and not gentle at all, which is just right for Mei Yufang’s temper-a man is the most interesting man if he is polite at times!
The waves reached out to pull Mei Yufang’s backless ceremony …
From the mirror, you can see that the red bra inside her open bra has long been stripped by the waves to reveal a piece of white and deep cleavage.
The waves righted Mei Yufang’s waist and violently tore her pants. The pike was like a dragon-she stabbed Mei Yufang’s body from behind …
Yu-fang mei lips Zhang Fa a * * bone erosion moan.
The waves don’t give Mei Yufang a break. It’s as tight as a gun to attack the past. It’s imperative to be wild and unrestrained
Mei Yufang seems to be unable to resist this secret attack, giving out gasps, and I don’t know whether it is painful moaning or cheerful singing.

The audience was frozen and gawked at the boxing ring-the boxing ring stood in awe of the waves, and the Japanese fighting queen Matsushima apricot was soft and slightly * *!

A trick!
No one will believe that the unknown beat the Japanese fighting queen with a wave!
The waves bowed their heads and looked at the platform coldly, struggling with pine island apricot.
The neck of Matsushima apricot was strained, but then it was broken from right to left, and the back of the head was hit hard to crack the quilt, so it was hit hard to break it!
The wave completely destroyed the spirit and body of Matsushima apricot!
Matsushima Apricot spits blood in her lips. Every movement will bring a cough. Every cough will bring out a big mouthful of blood. Her neck is soft and she lies in the boxing ring. She looks up at the waves. There is no pity, begging or vicious cursing in her eyes. It is still cold! Still sharp! Still hard! Still strong! Still unyielding
Matsushima apricot suddenly smiled when she looked at the waves. No one knew what she meant by laughing, nor did the waves, but one thing he knew was that Matsushima apricot wanted him to kill her!
Matsushima apricot smile made her cold eyes pale, her face red and her lips showed a kind of sadness and Leng Yan that bloomed before she died!
The waves suddenly felt sorry for Matsushima apricot, but he immediately threw away this emotional feeling-sympathy and pity are negative and cannot appear in his dictionary!
At the same time, he also knows that Matsushima Apricot doesn’t need his sympathy. It’s harder for her to feel sorry for her than to kill her!
"Kill her! Kill her! " The audience shouted at the station.
The waves looked at her feet coldly. This woman was crazy with him last night. Now he is going to kill her himself!
The waves looked up coldly and quietly at Yamazaki Maple in the VIP room.
Yamazaki maple also looked at the waves!
Both of them look calm, their eyes are not sharp, they are quiet, cold and indifferent!
Everything around me can’t be changed. There are two people who have a quiet eye contact, no swords, no sharp edges, cold eyes and indifferent expressions!
Sakura Yamazaki also looked at the waves commanding, calm and cruel!
Yamazaki Feng and Yamazaki Sakura didn’t look at Matsushima Apricot. A loser in their eyes is not worthy of their pity!
The waves withdrew their eyes and slowly raised their fists, examining their fists carefully. It was a white fist, dry, hard and angular!
This is also a bloodthirsty fist! Blood debt is heavy, killing people!
The waves looked down at Matsushima apricot again.
Matsushima apricot is still lying in a strange position, and her neck is broken. In this position, she lies on the platform and looks up at the waves.
It’s this body that brought crazy excitement to the "Tiebanqiao" waves last night, and now it’s the same body that was abruptly twisted by the waves, lying soft in the cold ring and quietly accepting death!
-Life is cruel!
Yamazaki maple took her sister’s hand and her eyes were full of gentle smiles, so Sakura sat next to him.
When the waves saw Yamazaki Maple looking at her sister’s eyes, they thought of Matsushima Apricot and said, "He and his sister have slept together … they are just like real brothers and sisters." An idea flashed through the waves’ mind!
As soon as the idea jumped out of his mind, the wave thinking horse seized the idea and decided to make a plan after analyzing, demonstrating and screening it for one thousandth of a second!
-A plan that is highly feasible and must be implemented!
Thinking that this plan can bring devastating waves, a smile appears on the corners of the mouth, sinister and cold!
He took a deep look at Yamazaki Maple, who was affectionate, and looked straight at the ring ahead.
There was silence on the scene, and a referee marched into the ring.
In the prelude to the storm, the rain is coming, and the people in the hall are doomed to wait for the referee to introduce the origin of one or both players
For the Japanese fighting queen Matsushima apricot, the audience are familiar with it. For this young wave, I know that he is a recommended player of the "Fulong Gang".
Since it is recommended by the "Fulong Gang", it must not be bad there. This little pair has a well-thought-out plan. Maybe there are two brushes that can make an upset into a dark horse!
Several spectators who bought the waves beat the waves gave cheers and encouragement whistles to the waves.
The waves don’t be humiliated, but they smile calmly.
The boxing referee said calmly, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this competition. It is scheduled to be held this week. Now, at the request of one party, the other party agrees to hold it before making a decision, which has caused inconvenience to all friends. On behalf of our host, I am very sorry! Today, my friends have prepared a game, which will be the most exciting, exciting and bloody game in our three years! Both players have signed a life-and-death ring, no protective gear and no rules. These are the former rules. Today, we have to add another rule, that is, unless one person dies on the spot, the other one must not walk in the ring! "

"You … so cruel that she wouldn’t want to completely fall into sexy devil? At that time, I am afraid that Tiannan will suffer! "

Get the affirmation of demons Ye Han finally Ann Nai can’t help but be frightened. If the demons say that slight cold will eventually fall into sexy devil dialect, then she must adopt yang spirit all day to alleviate the pain of desire and fire? Now, that day, isn’t the man going to be his goal and her tool for collecting yang?
Alas, poor Xiao Han has just come out of the extreme cold and is going to suffer such a blow. How can she live after that?
"You can rest assured that this will devour you, then I can be his antidote, and then she will be with me every day. Besides, such a beautiful girl, I don’t want her to be a woman. She can be me!"
The demons obviously know that Bai Yehan is worried, but he doesn’t. Since Xiao Han needs a man to comfort him every day, why don’t you just act as his man?
If a man can be her antidote, why can’t being a man be her permanent antidote? At that time, I can enjoy the taste of beauty every day, and this slight cold can get what I want, relieve the pain, and get what I want.
"Are you really so confident that you can control him? Don’t worry that he will also suck up your yang and let you die? "
I heard the demon saying that Ye Han andao was right, but I was not willing to let Xiao Han sacrifice. He had to make a final effort to scare the demon and give Xiao Han a chance [86] [control the demon]
"Ha ha ha Ye Han, Ye Han, you can’t change my bad habit after all. Don’t forget me, but even that girl is just a chess game in my hand. How can she suck up my yang?"
Ye Han tried his best to look for opportunities with slight chills, but he didn’t want to be ungrateful. Instead, he couldn’t help but give him a white look. His eyes were full of banter. Obviously, this Ye Han idiot can’t even think about this. Perhaps the deeper meaning is that this Ye Han can’t even protect his own woman.
After listening to the demons, Ye Han suddenly realized that this guy is right. Although this slight cold is going to become sexy devil, it is made by demons themselves after all. In the end, demons are also the main things that his Lord eats itself. She may still do it by law.
Besides, even if she has a desire to kill the Lord, she hasn’t cultivated her height. Let’s not say that even if she wants it, it can’t be better than the demon. If the demon intentionally doesn’t help her resolve her desire, she may have to accept it and die.
The disparity in strength and weak pressure is by no means unique, but it is also rare. He does not believe that this slight cold can suppress his own master against the guest and thus bite him back.
"Cold brother, come quickly!"
Just then the slight cold gentle and lovely sound came up and immediately dispelled Ye Han’s worries, which made him fascinated by the sound.
This slight cold is not the kui is a kind of lust magic. This sound is a little more gentle and lovely than before. If it were not for the qualitative and full-fledged human-based restraint, she would really have sexy devil’s shadow. If it were to this world, it would definitely fascinate thousands of men.
Moreover, she is still a person who has such a great charm before she has completely aroused her physical desires. If she has completely aroused her physical desires, what’s more? I’m afraid even I can stand her temptation?
"Well, I won’t talk nonsense with you. Anyway, it’s a dying man. You can die, but she can’t die. She’s my woman. If she dies like this, it’s a big loss for me!"
Similarly, after listening to the slight chill and charming songs, the demons failed to endure the busy Ye Han’s words and left him alone and walked towards the stunning beauty who was lying down.
"You stop touching her! She’s me!"
See demons step by step to slight chill Ye Han heart suddenly anxious but nai himself was out of control here want to rush to stop but have the heart to dry there shout loudly.
"You’d better enjoy this last beautiful scene. It won’t be long before you disappear completely from this world. At that time, you won’t worry about this girl any more. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her for you!"
I heard Ye Han’s demons, but when I looked back at him, I spit out a joke at him, and then I continued to walk towards the slight cold, ignoring Ye Han, even though Ye Han still roared and he didn’t hear anything.
"Cold brother, hold me tight! Hold me tight!"
Demon body Ye Hangang came to the slight cold near and listened to the slight cold mouth, giving off bursts of flattery. Suddenly, there was a lot of exultation in my heart and I couldn’t consider it. I deceived myself and looked at her beautiful hands near the squatting slight cold side for a while, and I couldn’t help slowly reaching out and holding the proudly standing place on her chest.
"Well …"
The chest was held proudly and the slight cold consciousness groaned. Holding that hand by yourself was already loose and enjoying the "Ye Han" with both hands. The charming songs in the mouth were constantly enjoyed by the soul.
Holding a slight chill in both hands and kneading her breasts, the demon’s face is full of pride. In a short time, it seems that her hands have been satisfied from the slight chill chest and she has slowly loosened up, but she still has not left her body, but slowly slipped down her lower abdomen and …
Seems to be aware of the demons slight cold not only didn’t resist, but stretched out his hand and hugged his arm and dragged the evil hand straight to make it fall into his abdomen …
With the help of a slight chill, the demons were satisfied. The place where the slight chill was put in the lower abdomen actually slipped on her legs as if to sink the whole hand. After all, it was a little slow and was caught by the thighs on both sides of the points.
I feel a foreign body invading my legs, and my slight cold consciousness tightens. My legs immediately clamp the evil hands of demons so that I can’t continue to jump. However, my charming body is constantly wriggling. Obviously, I can’t stand the stimulation and want to vent it as soon as possible. Her mouth is also softly moaning, and the sound is very small. I can’t hear what she is saying.
"Let her go! Did I tell you to let her go? "
Seeing this scene, Ye Han was already furious, but for the posture of moving, he must have rushed over to take the demon away from Xiao Han and then do a life-and-death duel.
"oh? Want me to let her go? I wonder if you can give me a reason? I think this should be your personal wish? See, she didn’t want me to be funny? "
Hear Ye Han rage demons seem to be finally stirred busy withdraw his hand and then blunt Ye Han smiled and looked at the already lost half a minute sober slight cold shook his head and said
"You’re looking for death and cold jade flute. Go over there and kill this guy!"
Hearing this, Ye Han was even more furious at once, and whether he could move or not, he called out the jade flute with body inflammation to attack demons.
After all, even Ye Han has to rely on Ye Han’s vitality to drive it, but this time it has made some amazing moves. Seeing that he listened to Ye Han’s words, he has independently given birth to a astral energy, which in a short time condensed the jade flute, and suddenly turned to whew and broke away from the shackles of the jade flute.

Ten vitality attacks with different shapes roared towards Lin Yu from different directions, and the strong vitality fluctuations caused by the vitality attacks caused some distortion, which gave people the illusion of Lin Yu’s body deformation.

"Lin Yu, can he hold on?" Sky alliance all tightly holding a fist staring at Lin Yu.
Although they believe that Lin Yu won’t die of his own accord, they can’t help worrying about such a severe situation.
Lin Yu stabbed the silver magic spear on the ground with a white mask and wrapped himself in it.
The ten Yuan gods attacked the strong and fell on the mask, but they couldn’t hit a ripple!
"What the hell is this?"
"The defense is so strong!"
Few people know about Lin Yu’s silver-striped magic gun, and it surprised them to see that this gun could actively release the small defense array.
It is no wonder that Lin Yu dared to challenge the cycle of vitality division. Just having this defensive array is enough to make him invincible. Who can kill him?
"Yuan soul skills!" Found himself attacking Lin Yu elementary school, the ten Yuan Shenjing Yuan Qi divisions immediately adjusted their strategies and tactics to prepare their Yuan Soul skills.
The biggest difference between Yuan Shen’s realm and Nature’s realm is that from Yuan Shen’s realm, Yuan Shen’s vitality division can manipulate his own Yuan soul to carry out skill attacks.
Yuan soul skill attack is superior to its double attack. Even if it can’t break Lin Yu’s vitality defense array, it can also benefit Yuan soul to penetrate into the defense array and attack Lin Yu.
It’s obvious that these primordial experts’ intentions are obvious. If they were others, they would definitely make the same decision at the first time.
Is closely note the situation Chihiro is shook his head "the ten people die"
The main forces of Chihiro and Yuechong have already arrived, just hiding and watching the fun.
Compared with the mainland people in the sky, they are even whiter. One thing that Yuan Soul attacks Lin Yu is suicide, even in front of Yuan Soul Lin Yu, a person in Cangyu’s territory, there is also a share of death.
The ten Yuan Shen Jing Yuan Qi Shi didn’t know that they would still be there when they died, releasing Yuan Soul skills with great enthusiasm.
"Flying soul attack!"
"Sword Soul!"
Ten people each display their own meta-soul skills, which makes the spectators have an eye addiction.
Everyone cultivates different vitality attributes, and their yuan soul is colorful and strange in shape.
Like a red flower, like a yellow dog, like a sword, like a gun …
The laziest guy doesn’t change anything, but directly crashes into the large array by himself.
"Boom …"
Ten yuan soul skills at the same time hit the Lin Yu defense array explosion potential is not weaker than Tianyu mainland small nuclear bomb explosion a colorful mushroom cloud foaming at the mouth of the earth lang layers in all directions.
"Lin Yu is dead this time!"
They saw that Lin Yu was surrounded by the explosion center, and Lin Yu was finished, and his face showed different looks.
There are joys, regrets and jokes.
The hearts of all the people in the Sky Alliance immediately hung up and almost reached their throats. "Lin Yu must hold on!"
When Lin Yu was finished, all the people screamed one after another, one by one, and they were squeal.
Thyme heard the crowd a thrill.
Just now, people with different faces who recognized Lin Yu’s death have changed their minds again. However, whatever their complicated minds are, they all include curiosity.
"What the hell happened?" This is the only question they want to clarify at this time.
Soon the colorful mushroom clouds faded, and they finally saw what happened to the mushroom clouds.
The ten-member soul was cut into dozens of pieces like a cake, and a rare child with a red eye was swallowing the ten-member soul pieces bite by bite.
The child is grasping the head of a Yuan Soul of a Yuan Qi division. His face is full of horror and he is desperately shouting "Don’t eat me, don’t eat me" 3.
"It’s so annoying to eat a snack!" The child didn’t pay any attention to the vitality division, and swallowed the whole yuan soul head in one breath.
Although eating is a virtual body, this scene is very strange, and everyone’s stomach is tumbling down. Some people are very pale and sit on the ground.
Eating people, they probably don’t think it’s terrible. It’s even eating people’s souls. They’ve never heard of any monsters that can eat people’s souls!
"Lin Yu is terrible!"
"If this guy becomes a respected person, he is definitely an evil person who eats people and doesn’t spit bones!"
Many people who still want to kill Lin Yu have completely given up their unrealistic plans. Even if they want to be the deputy patriarch of Ryukyu sword Sect, they must have a life to live.
Seeing that everyone has retired, Lin Yu smiled.
He wants this kind of shock to shock these guys, delay their attack, wait for his support team to arrive, and then fight them to death!
"Is there anyone else coming?" Lin Yu smiled slightly at everyone. Although he smiled like a big brother next door, he looked at everyone’s eyes but was different from the devil’s smile
In particular, his white hair and the one who is gnawing at a child with a meta-soul on his shoulder and thigh are two different strange mashups, which give everyone a violent visual and spiritual impact.

It’s a little puzzling to be called a big-headed youth. Is it to scare the other side by asking yourself to bring such a large group of people here but not letting them do it?

Think this he looked at ZhuoJiang several bodyguards approached two steps behind him and said, "my boss’s face is hurt by you? This piece of ground dares to hit my boss. Are you tired of living? "
Zhuo Qiang didn’t even look at him. He turned his head to one side and asked a justice school student, "Where have you been recently? How’s Bao recently? "
This old student has seen Zhuo Qiang before, although he is not sure about his justice martial arts school, but he is definitely unusual, and he actually calls the owner Lao Bao to show their closeness.
"Our owner is chanting about you these days. He said …"
This student hasn’t said anything yet.
That big head is not satisfied. In front of so many people, he is trying to show off his arrogance. I didn’t expect the other party to take him seriously and immediately couldn’t help it. "I’m always talking to you. What are you pretending to be?"
Liu Xiaolei, the super ass jng, has been lurking aside like a cheetah for a long time. That’s the sentence. He got a heavy punch from Liu Xiaolei after saying his word.
What does Liu Xiaolei hate most about everything?
He hates ass-kissing jng more than those jng who want to surpass him.
This is called Big Head. How dare he sell nng’s ass skills in front of the boss?
The punch was so vicious that it hit the big head in the mouth.
If ordinary people hit each other in the mouth, their hands would certainly be hurt, because their teeth are harder than stones
Liu Xiaolei, on the other hand, has no scruples about this blow, and he keeps crying in his hands lun shake mouth.
Zhuo Qiang also felt that his teeth were sour. This big head was so small that ten teeth fell off.
Sunglasses man saw his own people’s anger skyrocket and wanted to rush forward for revenge and hurriedly called "stop"
Now he really believes that this martial arts champion can really beat his best security captain with one punch, let alone others.
Besides, there are so many people on the other side who haven’t started yet, especially the four darts behind the young people who look at what’s happening in front of them, if they don’t see it, they don’t even blink as if it’s all theirs.
This calm is definitely not what ordinary people should show.
In addition, the young man’s yn touching foreign beauty nv is sharp-eyed and doesn’t look like an ordinary person.
Sunglasses man initially judged that the four strong men behind this young man may be even more terrible than this martial arts champion. If so, it is just to add vegetables to each other by going with these guys.
It’s not terrible to lose, but won’t our factory shut down in case everyone is injured? How much does it cost to stop working for a day? You must not fight.
Why hasn’t director Li come yet? Sunglasses man complained in his heart that he was afraid that anything unexpected would happen to him before Director Li came.
"What are you doing here?" A rough voice en outside shouted a.
A group of young people who are not good at se broke in from the crowd. Zhuo Qiang saw that the leader was LAM Raymond Zhang Junjie, who used to be a driver for himself.
Zhuo Qiang hasn’t come yet. He just got punched by Liu Xiaolei. The elephant is like seeing a savior. He said with a cry, "Brother Lin, I wish you had come. I was beaten by someone. My boss was also beaten by someone. Look at my mouth. You have to help me this time."
"You don’t have Jin Gangzuan, but you still want to take porcelain work and get beaten. Who deserves it?" LAM Raymond a big head to ZhuoJiang side.
"Ah this this isn’t zhuo eldest brother? What brings you here? Did you get that done today? ….. Oh, that was you just now? This small batting practice you beat lightly "LAM Raymond said one foot and kicked the big head to the ground and kicked two feet.
The big head was unlucky this time. He brought a large group of people to help the boss fight, but he was repeatedly beaten up. He couldn’t figure out what was going on and could lie down and hum.
"Brother Zhuo, when you need a driver, call me. I’ll run to your car at once. It sounds really comfortable than brother Zhang." LAM Raymond came to Zhuo Qiang and took out a box of soft Chinese from his pocket, handed it to Zhuo Qiang’s mouth and gave him some lighter.
Zhuo Qiang is a little tired of LAM Raymond’s attentions, and he has learned to be slick after a few months.
"Now that you have promoted your hand and a bunch of little brothers, you can do it." Zhuoqiang hu took a cigarette and praised him freely.
"Alas, Brother Zhuo, this is not because of you. I gave you a car for a few days. This is even a gold plating. As soon as I got back, Brother Zhang gave me some brothers to take with me. I really want to give you a car for a few more days." Lin Feng said with mirth.
Sunglasses man just came for help, but who knows it’s a malefic. What’s going on today? What could be so lun?
LAM Raymond, however, has been a Taoist figure in recent days. His own factory or LAM Raymond cover can guarantee all peace every month. Although he pays for it, he is much more worried. It turns out that people in the factory often come to make trouble and are now extinct. I used to lose this and that, but now it’s gone. It’s true that he saved a lot of money, and this one is worth the fare.
He never thought that this gangster with extraordinary strength and control would be a driver for this young man and listen to his voice, which is of great benefit to being a driver.