On the other hand, if the special department has the order, they have the right to implement it.

"Minister Wu, don’t get sick?" Road flyover spirit yi hand a ritual way
"Very good haha!" Wu Tiantong ha ha a smile
"I wonder what made the minister so happy?" Road flyover spirit asked
"Of course, I am happy to think about Wu Mou." Wu Tiantong looked at it very much.
"Minister, what is the specific invitation?" Road flyover spirit saw that he knew and immediately asked
"A good thing is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. This call is to ask everyone to help." Wutian Passage
"I don’t need to say more about it."
"So you didn’t have an argument with anyone?" The spiritual Taoist doesn’t seem to be in any danger to him.
"Nature is not" Wu Tiantong saw his one eye and understood his meaning.
"Not who to fight with, but will someone come to dislike us and we will have a conflict? That’s not what we can decide.
Let’s not take the initiative to fight with who this time. "
Lingqing and others cast a glance at each other just now, and the dignified atmosphere was swept away.
I just want to feel bad.
Then the two merged and one went straight north.
The place where everyone is gathered this time is Jingwei.
The headquarters of the Secret Service Department is in Kyoto, but the headquarters of the Secret Service Department is in Jingwei.
Everyone fell in a hill along the south coast of the city.
At this time, many people have gathered here, and Ling Qing doesn’t know much, and he doesn’t know much either.
However, Taoist Ling knows everyone and others are very familiar with him.
Even if there are young people who don’t know him, they will come to Jianli with him under the guidance of their elders
At this time, a member of the Secret Service Department came to the public, first saluted Wu Tian and then said, "Minister Wu, please welcome the cold manager."
"Okay, I’ll be right there." Wu Tiantong immediately replied with a solemn face after hearing it.
Turning to the Taoist priest, he said, "The manager wants to recruit me. I’m on my way. You can go to the meeting with them."
"Wu minister don’t worry that we will arrange" to ask him the man saw immediately.
Then he came to the Taoist priest’s side and asked, "Taoist priest, please!"
"Please!" Lingdaoren nodded and replied.
Lingqing watched Wu Tiantong leave the back quickly and was curious about the manager.
What kind of person can make Wu Tiantong, who is like killing a god, so respected?
I don’t want to be a mortal.
But he didn’t think much about turning around and following everyone to the venue.
Chapter seven hundred and forty A difficult every
Ling Qing and others followed the man all the way to a hall.
It’s almost the same as a common conference room. At the bottom is a chair table and seats.
On both sides are stepped seats.
However, unlike ordinary conference rooms, whether it is a table or a table, it is not a chair but a futon.
Half-meter-high futon can sit cross-legged on the surface, or hang your legs as a stool.
Obviously, considering that most people are used to meditation, the futon is placed.
And take care of some people who are not used to meditation and raise the futon to half a meter.
There are already many people sitting in this field, but most of them are in the second half and on both sides.
There is still a seat in the first half that has not been taken.
"Please come with me, Taoist Taoist and Muslim Taoist, and other real people please follow my colleague." The member of the Secret Service Department led Taoist Lingqing and Taoist Lingqing to the front of the Central Committee to sit in a group.
And Li Li four people are sitting on the left step seat.
After arranging the position, the man retreated.
The spiritual Taoist talked with those who came first.
There are only more than twenty people in the seat, and many of them are because they are all immortals.
You know, at the beginning, the whole spiritual world was only five immortals when Daoqing was in view.
Now there are so many like mushrooms after rain.
It can be seen that there are still capable people in this world.
With the arrival of Ling Qing and others, other factions have also come one after another.
There are Maoshan Xu Gaoyi with several elder brothers, Gezaoshan Zhao Qingci and his accompanying elder brothers.
I really teach Peicheng to own more than ten elder brothers.
People come from Wudang Mountain, Qingcheng Mountain, Kunlun Mountain and Tianshan Mountain.
In the end, Zhang Hongdao from Longhushan came with nearly twenty people.
They saw quickly got up to meet.
Twenty immortals. That’s more than Laoshan, Maoshan and Gezao combined.

In the past three days, I have practiced Baishi. I have to be at home. If I have anything to do, I have to call out the wire to grab something casually.

After this skill was launched, Baishi felt like he had three more organs.
At first, they were very unfamiliar with their sense of body-just like they were not used to holding pea brains in their hands and knowing what to do, but their hands just didn’t listen to them.
Now, after Baishi’s practice, this thing has a little automatic calibration function. There is not much problem with his throwing accuracy, but his strength is not well controlled.
In addition, due to the influence of "science", the steel wire will follow some physical rules-for example, you can’t fly halfway by turning around or hovering in the middle like a snake dance, and you have certain requirements on speed.
After seeing the butterfly, Ren was curious and looked at the white stone on his cuff. She was also interested in this new skill, so she hung her hand.
When he lifted it again, he held a steel wire claw in his hand and the remaining steel wire hung into the sleeve.
Baishi grabbed the claw and made it click for two times.
The steel claw is composed of three curved hooks. As the white stone moves, their brush tightens, from a blunt hook to a sharp claw, and then clicks and returns to its original state.
"It’s convenient to unpack and finally stop looking for scissors everywhere."
"Well …" Butterfly nodded her head with an expression full of curiosity. "But what must stick out from the sleeve? Isn’t it easy to get caught in rags? "
"You can also borrow clothes from the hem of clothes, pants and socks … and you can’t be seen by others."
Baishi lowered his head and a wire lasso was thrown out of the neckline behind him and quickly fell back and disappeared into the collar.
"So that’s it," said the butterfly, holding her cheeks. "Can you do it without any clothes?"
"…" The steel claw almost cut Baishi’s hand for two seconds. "I remember there is a store rule that seems to prohibit molesting the boss without permission?"
"What are you thinking? This is a rigorous scientific question. "Butterfly forbear to cover her face and lips in surprise."
"Swimming, bathing and hot springs are all easy to be raided. If the enemy’s bottom line is low enough, they will choose this time to attack."
This explanation is reasonable.
However, on this issue, Baishi had already tried to borrow a video recorder in the shower. Of course, he seriously destroyed all the video materials afterwards-
"Don’t be seen
"that is to say, when I am facing you, the steel wire can lean out from behind, and when my back is facing you, the steel wire can lean out from the front.
"After all, this situation that clothes can’t cover it is still one of the few places where I am used to throwing steel wires from my cuffs, which is the most convenient and I don’t deliberately observe where someone is."
"…" Butterfly stuck in a shell. She didn’t expect Baishi to actually try …
See this purple cut black clerk finally no other questions, Baishi put away the steel wire and took out the curriculum and took a look.
"It’s finally refreshed. It’s the date of the club activity on September 29th … I have to prepare my luggage today."
According to the schedule given by Suzuki Aya, the club activities will last for three days.
Although it is possible to be sent home by enthusiastic police on the first day, it is necessary to be prepared.
Baishi is going to buy a suitable suitcase.
In these three days, he didn’t meet the need to enter the virtual world again
Every day, it’s quite pleasant to pick up a plastic bag that is wet in the non-motor vehicle lane, or wake up a lifeguard in the swimming pool to save a drowning person, or sneak to the roof of the building to fix a billboard that is about to be blown away by the wind.
Although this kind of reward money is small, it is frequent-a rough calculation of Baishi’s income can now overlook the primary social animals in many island countries.
Baishi came to the shopping center and bought a sturdy suitcase with a lock.
At the time of checkout, the counter is holding a prize-winning activity every 2 cents.
Baishi reached into the prize box and pulled out four lottery tickets.
Two of them were fancy advertisements, and the other two won a bottle of coke. It was very consistent with his luck in the lottery.
The clerk looked at the lottery ticket and moved to a small rack with many double layers for Baishi to choose one.
Baishi thought it was not good when he saw the tender color matching of this pile of powder.
If you look at it again, it’s either "Leaves" or "Housewives’ Dilemma" and "He and She in a Quiet Campus" … This target group doesn’t include his novels at first glance.
Baishi looked at it in two rows for a long time and finally found one he could barely accept "Blue Kingdom"

"You haven’t lost yet!"

"You have one last trick-divination!"
"Now you are not the former you!"
"Now your heart has reached 44!"
Goethe’s eyes were filled with hope. He glanced at the podium and was reading the test paper. Teacher Judy didn’t notice that he immediately picked up the eraser, wrote four ABCD options on four of the six faces, and then gently threw it away.
wheat flour
Throw it again
Or white flour
Goethe finally came to his senses when he was ready to throw it for the third time.
This horse riding is a proof!
Not a multiple-choice question!
"Damn it!"
"Have I been affected by this invisible and inaudible horror?"
"Goethe, don’t give up, there is still a chance!"
Goethe cheered himself up and wrote again.
Five minutes later …
Oh, give it up
In life, if you are willing to give up, there is no hurdle.
Like who hasn’t taken the make-up exam yet?
Fail to repeat the exam?
That’s normal, too
It’s also a very good attempt
Goethe lay on the math test paper and comforted himself with tears-he has forgotten at the moment, and he has been able to endure it.
Even if you ask him to copy a math problem at this level, he will have to copy it wrong.
Just when Goethe was about to cry—
"I took the wrong test paper!"
Teacher Judy blushed and ran over to look at Goethe with a little trepidation.
"Sorry, Goethe!"
"This test paper is a competition question, not your tutorial paper!"
"this is my mistake!"
Teacher Judy said with a bow
Suddenly the waves are rough.
Goethe recovered a little spirit and asked tentatively.
"That make-up exam …"
It’s my fault that we make up the exam again today. I’ll ask the school and I have to send this exam to the competition class now-they must be wondering what’s so simple about this exam now.
After that, Teacher Judy picked up the examination paper and left in a hurry.
Goethe sat up straight and looked at the classroom door.
At this moment, he admitted that people are indeed different.

Yunyang doesn’t seem to want her to argue about this bifurcation topic. "It’s time to go. Let’s go."

Purple leaf looked at him and asked, "How is your injury?"
Yunyang looked back at her indifferently, "Ji recovered"
Purple leaf slightly laughed "that’s good, let’s go" and flew up with Yunyang and continued to the northeast.
Because of the mountainous purple leaves in western Shu, Yunyang’s speed of going all the way over the mountains and mountains is not fast.
Yunyang has some doubts about this and asks, "Why don’t you choose to fly close to the ground without crossing directly from high altitude?"
Ziye explained, "Flying high is fast, but it is easy to attract others’ attention. This time, Miss asked me to find you and specifically told you not to let anyone find out that it would affect Miss Zhang’s plan."
I understand why Yunyang stopped talking and the two of them moved on for a long time.
It was not until noon that Ziye took Yunyang to a place where the foot of the mountain was shrouded in mist and stopped slowly.
Staring at the purple leaf in front, her face changed slightly, her eyebrows locked and her worries emerged.
Yunyang noticed her change, looked at the mountain roughly, and found that the mountain was very strange, and there was a strange force to repel the detection wave from approaching.
In other words, this mountain is like a layer of defense to prevent strangers from approaching.
Looking back, Yunyang asked softly, "What’s the matter?"
Purple leaf looked at him with a wry smile. "Martial law has been imposed here. I’m afraid there is no chance for us to go in unnoticed."
Yunyang surprised way "this is our goal? Feng Yi is here? "
Purple leaf nods "how can I tell, through all these clouds? in this mountain"
Yunyang slightly ponder to the face and reveals a somewhat confident expression calmly. "Don’t worry, just tell me the route is from me."
Purple leaves hesitate. "What are you going to race? This can’t be done. It will hurt Miss Bitter. We must sneak in and let no one find out. Otherwise, instead of helping Miss, it will hurt Miss. "
Yunyang said, "Don’t worry, I will take care of the overall situation and I won’t mess around."
Purple Ye Wenwen said with a little peace of mind, "We have to go through five layers of defense in this trip, and the first layer is the peripheral human area."
Yunyang surprised way "human area? Is there any mystery in this? "
Ziyedao: "Man-made area is a special defense. No one guards it, but in fact, some birds, animals, insects and snakes are our eyes. If they find out, people inside will know that someone is breaking into the mountain."
Yunyang frowned. "So this first-floor residential area is not easy to break into?"
Chapter four hundred Enter the hinterland
Ziye chuckled, "Yes, it’s not easy to rush, but it’s not difficult for us to get through the first one."
Yunyang laughed. "Then don’t talk nonsense about us."
Purple leaf nodded slightly and chose a suitable place, telling, "If you want to break into this place, you need to use the five-element escape technique to avoid those animals from noticing."
Yunyang’s face turned slightly lighter and said, "I can’t escape the five elements."
Purple leaves were a little surprised but didn’t ask lightly, "It’s very simple. I’ll teach you." Then I explained the basic essentials of the five elements of evasion.
Yunyang will practice a little when he listens, and then cast spells with the purple leaves and quietly dive into the mountains.
For a moment, the two men passed the first residential area and a big tree appeared, and their eyes patrolled the front.
An Yunyang showed his mind and eyes, and found that there were six anshao outside the front hundred feet, which were connected with each other to form a meager defense network. If you touch it a little, it will attract the attention of the other party
Aware of this, Yunyang secretly praised the other side. This defense method is really very effective
Purple leaves observed a low road, "There is an AnShao in front of the second line of defense."
Yunyang said, "I know there are six secret posts in this area, and I am considering passing them."
Purple leaf smell speech a surprised surprised way "even you know the number? It’s really not simple. "
Yunyang laughed. "Otherwise, how dare I break into Aoyue Mountain Villa?"
Purple leaves are one leng, but they are no longer surprised when they think about it.
Yunyang considered for a moment to try it.
So he told Ziye to stay here, and he quietly approached and came to the hiding place of the dark whistle, not far away, controlling a leaf to slowly fall into the defense net.
It’s time for Yunyang to be keenly aware of the movement of the dark secret whistle.
It can be seen that the leaves are secretly whistle and relaxed to gently bounce the leaves.
Wanted to think Yunyang second temptation.
This time, he controlled dozens of leaves to approach together, creating the illusion that the leaves were blown by the wind.
Then anshao will bounce the leaves again without hesitation.
Yunyang was not disappointed when he saw it. Continue to test.
So once, twice, three times finally AnShao also tired.
Fallen leaves floating near the protective cover are still falling from the leaves.
Yunyang smiled and quickly rushed back to Ziye’s side. He simply said a plan, and the two of them quietly sneaked into the secret whistle and slackened their chances. Yuan Shen attached leaves and successfully crossed the second line of defense.
Keep going, Ziye took Yunyang to a big river and pointed to the front. "This river is where we are going. This river is the third layer of defense. The physical boundary is closed, and there are experts patrolling the river and crab spirits guarding it."
Yunyang frowning slightly asked "face? Can there be a gap? "
Ziyedao: "There are experts, but there are no opportunities."
Yunyang wanted to think and ordered, "Take me to have a look first and then think of some way later."
Purple leaves a slight sigh expression some reluctantly secretly sound advice Yunyang some matters needing attention and then led him slowly into the middle of the fog.
Yunyang knows the surrounding situation like the back of his hand with the help of spiritual eyes.

Being able to come here is an extraordinary generation. Many people really realized it … In fact, you can change your perspective and you may have different gains.

Then there is Shi Qingxuan and others strongly opposed it.
It means that the dragon sister is safe and guarded by them, but it’s a pity that the little girl empathizes with the real big man who will care?
Even Snow Chihiro and his daughter look alike, otherwise.
But i brushed it twice, deputy …
Even Snow Chihiro can’t help but feel sticky and can’t wait to take a bath without her daughter’s cleanliness. When they say goodbye to each other, they refuse to take a bath together.
There is still some discomfort.
I’d like to invite Yu Shiqingxuan … But now I have a little scruples about Shi Qingxuan. She is afraid that she will suffer.
Behind the rich harvest is hard to hide fatigue.
Everyone dispersed and went to rest.
Nowadays, the number of total brothers in Taiping Island has exceeded 100, which is just an option for them. More players are trying to upgrade themselves.
After all, this is the reality. After a strong point, life will be stable.
No one is lazy in this state.
It was Coriolus versicolor who couldn’t help but stop when they returned to their respective residences and passed through Xijiantai.
Facing a friend’s inquiry …
She didn’t say much about saying something was wrong and then left the big army.
Watch quietly there.
At this time, a young man of about thirty is practicing sword there … versicolor knows that the sword is the Taishan Sect sword.
The fact that this person versicolor also know.
Isn’t it Meng Yuanzhi who came to Taiping Island with him?
Up to now, I haven’t seen you for just over twenty days …
He has changed so much that she can hardly recognize him.
It’s not surprising that the moves are free and easy. At that time, he was proud to tell her that the head of the company praised his excellent kendo qualification, which was incomparable.
But he is not only a sharp style, but also a series of finely firm but gentle waves emerge on the ground.
Really angry! ! !
A colonization division has successfully possessed the true qi in Taiping Island for more than 20 days. How the hell did he …
"Don’t you feel incredible? ! To be honest, I was shocked when I saw his broken limb regenerate with my own eyes. "
Li Chang appeared beside versicolor with a camera and sighed
Versicolor asked, "Do you know what’s wrong with him?"
"Nonsense, I did his colonization and disassembly surgery myself."
Li Chang complained, "I was pulled into a strong man. Su Zhangmen said that I was responsible for helping you with your research. I was too idle. What can I say if you ask me for a favor?" Even if you don’t understand, you can catch a duck rack, but I didn’t expect to see such a magical scene. I actually witnessed a colonization teacher changing to a fighter. It’s amazing. "
Meng Yuanzhi is getting more and more excited, wielding his sword. Although the intensity of the true qi is far comparable to that in the game, it is a reality. He really succeeded in cultivating the true qi in reality.
He turned to Su Wei, who was watching the sword in the distance.
Long laughed and said, "The master will pick me up."
Say it.
A stream of data emerged in his eyes.
Orientation, posture, the flow of the other party’s true qi and so on are all calculated by colonization.
This tedious formula was cast out in his hands in a flash, like a meteor, and went straight towards Su Wei.
Su Wei’s stillness is only a flick …
A stone plunged into the light and hit the tip of the sword.
Su Wei’s mastery of martial arts is really too much. Dai Zongru is amazing, but it is inferior to Dugu’s nine swords. Su Wei’s formula of Dugu’s nine swords is used to play the magical power, and it is directly shaken back just by moving his fingers.
"Not bad"
Su Wei praised, "Your talent is really good. No wonder Tianmen is very optimistic about you. Practice hard. It is not difficult for your talent to make efforts to get a level-by-level achievement method in the future."
Meng Yuanzhi bowed his sword respectfully and stood delighted. "Yes!"
He was not surprised that the strongest trick was broken.
That’s Su Zongzhang Dai Zongru’s style, which is probably created by him … In fact, if he is really struggling, he may not be able to help but wonder if the owner is playing a concession game.
But now it seems that the owner has understood his meaning perfectly.
He turned to Li Chang and asked, "What about Director Li?"
"It’s all recorded"
Li Chang put the camera in his hand.
"I’m going to send this video to my friends later, and when I get there, they will all see that I have cultivated my true spirit and heroic spirit in reality."

"Are there any witnesses?"

Director Zhang Yanghao asked the truth, but he thought in his heart, "Why didn’t I see Mo Haiyang’s body and didn’t know that Mo Haiyang was dead or was taken away by Zhouyi? Didn’t Zhouyi go to Beijing to find a way to get Cao Fang’s official reinstated? Why did he suddenly have to kill Mo Haiyang directly, so he didn’t worry that Mo Jiazhen sent troops to Hangzhou?"
I heard the mayor of Zhang Yanghao ask the witness, and the police chief Ma took people to investigate.
"Report to the mayor, no one in the whole hospital has seen anyone kill people. It is estimated that it is too fast for the killer to move. There are several security buildings and there are three night walkers, but these three people are wearing black clothes and hoods to show their eyes. These three killers also knocked out two security offices at that time. I think it is very difficult to solve this case."
After about three minutes, the policeman reported his investigation results to Zhang Yanghao. He was originally from Cao Fang, and he had a set of analytical problems and was very organized in criminal investigation.
"Well, the killer is really an expert and a master," said Director Zhang Yanghao, who hesitated a little.
"Mayor, I think we should first investigate the identity of the deceased and find out the motive of the killer case so as to find out the suspect." This year, the police chief added that his thinking was very clear
"The four men have been dead for less than ten minutes, so you can be sure that the killer is not far away from the identity of the deceased, so don’t check it. I have been to this ward and there lived a distinguished guest, Mr. Mo Haiyang, and his two bodyguards, that is, these two dead men. Now Mr. Mo Haiyang is gone. I don’t know if you are alive or dead. Now you are trying to block the traffic arteries in Hangzhou and search for Mr. Mo to see people die and see the body! Got it? "
Zhang Yanghao immediately gave the order. At this time, he already knew that Zhouyi had done it tonight, but he had to play tricks to catch the suspect.
"It’s the mayor"
The police chief responded with a horse and took people to arrange the blockade of Hangzhou’s traffic arteries.
Director Zhang Yanghao knew that this road blockade was unnecessary because he estimated that Zhouyi must have gone home at this time, but he didn’t know Mo Haiyang’s life and death. He didn’t want Zhouyi to kill Mo Haiyang like this. If Mo Haiyang was really killed, then Hangzhou government departments would have to bear Mo’s anger. Mo Haiyang was three generations of independent Miao Mo Tommy Tam and Mo Yuanchao. If they were angry, it was really possible for them to dismiss the main official department of Hangzhou through the power of state institutions.
The police took control of the crime scene in the ward, and at the same time blocked the traffic line. It was busy until midnight, and the murder suspect still had no clue.
At one o’clock in the morning, the mayor of Zhang Yanghao has returned to his home, but he has been lying in bed for a long time and can’t sleep because he doesn’t know how Mo Haiyang is now.
Mayor Zhang Yanghao called Mo Haiyang, but as a result, Mo Haiyang couldn’t get through. Mayor Zhang had a bad feeling in his heart.
"Do you want to call Zhouyi and ask directly what the situation is?" Zhang Yanghao thought.
At this time, his cell phone rang and it was Zhouyi.
Mayor Zhang Yanghao hurriedly turned on the phone. He had a hunch that Zhouyi was calling to tell him about Mo Haiyang’s life and death.
"Uncle Zhang hasn’t gone to bed yet, right? I’m sorry for giving you trouble again tonight." Zhang Yanghao said in Zhouyi’s words as soon as he answered the phone.
"Zhouyi things really are you doing? What about Mo Haiyang? Is he dead or alive? " Zhang Yanghao hurriedly said, "How did you suddenly kill Mo Haiyang? Now you’ve made a big deal."
Mayor Zhang Yanghao was really nervous when he said this because he was worried that Mo Haiyang was really killed by Zhouyi.
"Uncle Zhang, don’t be nervous. Mo Haiyang is not dead yet." Zhouyi is like knowing Zhang Yanghao’s mind.
"So you hijacked him?" Zhang Yanghao asked.
"Uncle Zhang, something has changed. I want to talk to you first. It’s also a disclosure to make you whiter than Mo Haiyang’s secret." Zhou Yi said after a delicious meal.
"All right, you go ahead." Director Zhang Yanghao asked immediately without knowing what had changed.
"Uncle Zhang, this time I went to Beijing Guoan headquarters base. I came to find the head of Guoan to reinstate Cao Fang, but the head of Guoan actually said that he couldn’t help me. Because Mo Haiyang has a special identity, he came to Hangzhou for a special purpose," Zhou Yi said.
"what’s that purpose?" Zhang Yanghao asked eagerly that he contacted Mo Haiyang just to find out this problem, but after so long, he still didn’t know why Mo Haiyang came back from German and then came to Hangzhou from Beijing.
"Mo Haiyang’s identity is the same as mine. He is also a candidate selected by the state to unify the underworld." Zhou Yi said in the words
"What? He is also a unified gangster? This is which choice. This vision is really wandering to grandma’s house. "After listening to this, Zhang Yanghao was shocked and then scolded Mo Haiyang, not to mention what is brilliant. If people can unify the underworld, the dog will not eat shit.
"Uncle Zhang, it’s not just because Mo’s powerful forces Modilong and Mo Yuanchao let Mo Haiyang come up with such a way. They have Mo’s powerful forces to support the unification of the underworld. But where did they think that Mo Haiyang couldn’t afford the mud?"
Zhouyi explained
"That’s why Mo’s family forces can really help Mo Haiyang a lot." Zhang Yanghao said 1 and then said, "Since Mo Haiyang has such an identity, wouldn’t it be more troublesome for you to kill him? Then it won’t be Mo’s family who will find you in trouble, but the state agencies will come after you."
Zhang Yanghao Zhouyi was worried.
"Uncle Zhang, don’t worry. The country can’t choose a unified gangster. It can’t be a person because the country can’t bet on a person." Zhou Yi said in the words, "But the country didn’t say that the unified gangster can’t kill each other. After all, the unified gangster is a matter of natural selection. In the end, there will be a unified gangster. Even if I kill Mo Haiyang, I won’t care about Mo’s country, and I can’t move national resources to deal with me, but I can have private power."
"I see."
Zhang Yanghao secretly vomited a sigh when he heard Zhouyi say so.
"Where is the Mo Ocean now?" Zhang Yanghao slow a then asked.
"Uncle Zhang Mo Haiyang didn’t die. He escaped," Zhou Yi said in his words.
"You even killed Wanimal and ginger ten questions. How can you let Mo Haiyang run away? The next time you want to kill him, it will be even harder, "said Mayor Zhang Yanghao.
"There was an accident tonight. I didn’t expect Mo Haiyang’s ward to have a tunnel, and then I didn’t expect Mo Haiyang to call the helicopter gunship in a minute or two. Fortunately, the helicopter gunship has no weapons, otherwise Zhou Chi and Chen Hu and I may be in danger." Zhou Yi said in the words of disclosure to Zhang Yanghao.
"A helicopter? Did Mo Haiyang contact the public security department or Hangzhou garrison headquarters? There are helicopters in these two places. "Zhang Yanghao asked in surprise.
"If it wasn’t for these two places, even if the helicopter was dispatched, it wouldn’t have reached Hongqiao Hospital so quickly. This must be someone else’s rescue of Mo Haiyang." Zhou Yidao
"It’s strange that Mo Haiyang doesn’t seem to have anything to do with him." Zhang Yanghao also felt strange.
"Uncle Zhang, I want to investigate this matter, and you also secretly send someone to investigate it." Zhouyi said, "It’s getting late, you should go to bed early."
"Good Zhang Yanghao Road and then hung up the words Zhouyi disclosure to him before his heart was slightly settled. Chapter 89 Mr Zhuge.
Book of Changes took precautions before calling the mayor of Zhang Yanghao. He and Chen Hu and Zhou Chi returned home from Hongqiao Hospital and sent "King Smart" with ten younger brothers to Beijing. Did Mo Haiyang go back to Beijing to monitor Mo’s actions []
King Smart is known in the prison of the provincial public security department after Zhouyi’s bloody slaughter of the West Lake Gang. Now King Smart has become the absolute backbone of the Brotherhood and is absolutely loyal to Zhouyi.
About twenty minutes after Mo Haiyang helicopter left Hongqiao Hospital, an armed helicopter flew in from garrison headquarters, a suburb of Hangzhou, and landed on the lawn of a training base. Major General Zhu Liu of garrison headquarters, Hangzhou, came out to meet some important people with several deputies.
The plane is naturally Mo Haiyang. At this time, his hands are full of blood and he is still holding a mobile phone.

Ye Han smiled at this kind of environment. For the first time, he really smiled. The melancholy color that used to hang on his cheek has long since disappeared. It seems that there is no hatred or resentment in his heart at this moment, and everything has already been forgotten by him.

In an instant, everything around us is back to normal, and the stars have passed away. The only thing left is a piece of white clouds hanging over the sun, covering all the hot sun, making everything around us look particularly dark.
Suddenly, the sky is changing, the sun is hanging high again, and everything around it will be lit up. At this moment, everything really returned to normal. There is still a perfect place around Yan Yunzong like a ruin, and that is the grass that everyone owns.
The past is like a cloud, just as it changes rapidly at this moment. Who would have thought that life would suddenly change so much? Although life was not the happiest for Ye Han a year ago, it was the most memorable and there was no time to compare it.
Soon Ye Lengling recovered from her memories and looked at each other for a long time, then their faces all showed a trace of unspeakable happiness, which came from the deepest part of my heart and was the most sincere.
It seems that Leng Ling and others, who are infected by this happy atmosphere, have already got up at this time. However, no one is willing to break this happy scene, and their faces are soon filled with happy tears.
At this moment, although they saw that Ye Han and Ye Rou were sincerely committed to each other, they should be jealous of it, but this is not the case. Instead of being jealous, they feel that they are extremely reliable in finding a man and love themselves very much, because they have long been sisters in each other’s hearts and agree with each other. Ye Han once said that although they have each other, they are not divided.
Hug has become the best way to end all this. Ye Han and Ye Rou finally got rid of the only memories and finally brought their minds back to reality. At this moment, all they can do is hug, hug tightly and hug quietly
After a long time, the grass rang with warm palms and cold palms, and others seemed to have already pulled back their minds from being moved. Now all they can do is to be happy for Ye Han, who became attached here and now confirmed their sincerity here. Whoever saw this theory will surely be deeply moved.
After the hug, everything is normal, but it’s already noon, and Ye Han and others have spent a long time here unconsciously. During this time, there was not much speech or action, but only a crush, and this crush has now become a thing of the past
"Can Rou Er really let go of the past and give us a good development environment in the future? Don’t cherish the past, but let us truly surpass the past?" Ye Han smiled. Once upon a time, what he wanted most was to come back here, the origin of mutual affection, and really develop this affection.
Leaf smiled softly, then nodded his head, and his lips rose slightly on tiptoe. Even if he kissed Ye Han’s lips and hugged each other tightly, he wanted to show a warmer side than this moment, which is eternal.
Although Ye Rou didn’t give Ye Han an answer directly, she showed her doubts. Ye Han knew that all the women in the audience knew that this kiss didn’t mean that Ye Rou definitely answered Ye Han’s question. She agreed with Ye Han’s statement.
Being kissed by Ye Rou Ye Han seems to finally feel that he is not active enough. A man actually let his woman seize the kissing power. At this moment, he doesn’t seem to be half dissatisfied with this life because he belongs to Ye Rou and not to himself.
However, after Ye Rou tried his best to snatch his kiss away, he didn’t choose to give up the fight for the initiative. In an instant, the situation was rapidly reversed. Ye Han’s arms were fierce, and Ye Rou immediately pressed his arms, followed by a deep kiss on her lips.
At this time, just kissing can’t seem to solve everything. Ye Hanshuang kisses Ye Rou, and at the same time, he doesn’t forget to pick his lips and teeth thoroughly, which will make him fall into crazy in love in an instant.
At this moment, everything in the world seems to be still, and the only thing that can move is Ye Han and Ye Rou, and the whole world will have their warm and sincere kisses before him.
After a long time, everything seems to have just returned to normal, and Ye Han and Ye Rou’s kiss has finally become the past forever. As Ye Han said, I sincerely let go of the past. This is Ye Rou’s kiss to give the answer. She admitted Ye Han’s statement that she is willing to sincerely let go of everything in the past, which is more sincere than when she personally promised by the lake.
Ye Han smiled and didn’t continue to be silent to replace everything. Instead, he turned to Lengling and others and said, "Thank you for giving us this witness. At the same time, I also want to ask you sincerely. If I asked you the previous question, would you answer it?"
After listening to Ye Han’s words, everyone’s faces suddenly showed a bit of embarrassment. Isn’t it what they want to give when Ye Rou gives the answer? However, there are many ways to give the answer. They choose to be silent, but Ye Rou is an exception. She gave the answer on her own lips and impressed the answer on each other’s hearts.
Silence may not necessarily be the answer, but at this moment silence is a true answer, a sincere answer and an eternal answer, which is jointly given by Lengling and others. Ye Han’s refusal of natural law can be readily accepted.
With the most sincere answer from the daughters, Ye Hanxin finally solved the emotional entanglement that lasted for a hundred years and finally had a happy ending. Although nine planets’s fate is not over yet, his daughters’ love for a hundred years will finally bear fruit.
This result is that Ye Han, who wanted to see Qingyun most at the beginning, is most happy to see it now, but now they all get it. Maybe Ye Han is Qingyun and Qingyun is Ye Han …
【 616 】【 Ninth Star 】
It’s been a long time, and Yanshan Mountain has completely fallen into a dead silence. It’s this dead silence that hides a warm side. The only thing that has left a complete grassland is the female face 【
It’s the woman’s face that faintly exudes a masculine atmosphere. The men and women are sitting on a par, and all the women’s eyes are staring at the nearby days …
Night enveloped the earth again unconsciously. At this moment the day before, everyone was still at home to complete their bridal chamber, but today they are living in this barren mountain and abandoned house and grassland. However, each other’s hearts are also full of sweetness.
Appropriate at this time, the sky suddenly came to several shining lights, and the sight of all people was moved away from looking at the sky, and the faces of all the shining stars could not help but show a bit of shock.
Looking closely at this time, the shining stars are the only bright spot, but in this shining stars, everyone saw a scene that filled each of them with shock.
There are nine star that shine exceptionally in that sky.
"nine planets will be robbed in the same day. It seems that it is getting closer and closer to the gathering day in nine planets!" Looking at the day when the nine stars were interdependent, one of them was relatively dim. The only man suddenly converged that shocked face and turned to a face of concern and said
This man is Ye Han, who still stays here after solving Ye Rou’s knot. The idea is that they don’t know that staying here can actually see such a scene as today.
At this time, although nine planets is arrayed, it is enough to shock some people in the place. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible for nine stars to appear at the same time in nine planets, except for nine planets Lingyu to decorate nine planets array.
Now that nine planets’s large array has not yet started, and this nine planets has appeared at the same time, it seems that there is nothing unusual, but if you want to think about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand. If it were not for the second nine planets owner’s coming soon, how could there be the nine planets phenomenon today?
"This is …" Looking at this day, nine planets and the scene aside LengLing finally couldn’t help but be shocked in the heart. "Is the ninth life star going to be an ice sheet? But this ice sheet can’t have inflammation practitioners? What the hell is going on here? "
Nine planets has always been nine planets Lingyu moving, but sometimes it will change with his owner. Now, seeing that all the other stars in nine planets are together, only this has just appeared. The third nine planets is located in the north of the star. Although it seems not far, it is actually far away.
Moreover, according to nine planets’s sword, the position represented by this star is not the direction of Hanlin Mountain or the ice city, but the central position of these two places, and this position seems familiar to Lengling.
"Han Tao?" Suddenly, Ye Lengling suddenly glances at each other, and then their corners of the mouth can’t help but spit out two words. Isn’t that the position represented by the first nine planets when they beheaded the iceberg where Lengtao lived?
"Don’t …" Listen to this Ye Lengling, so one eye at a time, Yan Xin suddenly remembered the mountain that Ye Han passed when he returned from the ice sheet. Ye Han once told him that Cold Tao was dead there.
Yan Xin couldn’t help but be surprised at the thought of this. "Is this the first nine planets owner who will be the cold Tao?"

Lin Yu eyes cold light flashing "want to kill us? You may not be able to do it! "

Lin Yu and Magic Seven Little Red Leaf City are in full swing, but a team that is heading for Red Leaf City is particularly depressed. This team is composed of 20,000 demon warriors led by Qingyou.
Green you originally planned to get to Hongye City, and when you were halfway there, you were stopped by a black-winged magic weapon and his magic weapon army.
You know this black-winged monster. It is the underground magic city and Feather Yang that spell earth-shattering black dazzle.
"Go back to the demon race at once, or else …" Black dazzle was so rare that it looked like a woman, but the hoarse voice was heard with goose bumps all over you.
Looking at the monster that is nearly five times as big as his own army, he kept beating his head and crustily skin of head and shouted "Withdraw!"
When Yuan Wei, the high priest, knew that Qing You came back, he was so angry that he almost didn’t slap Qing You to death. "Waste! Nothing! "
You are scolded by Yuan Wei, and you dare not say anything. Let Yuan Wei have a cow.
"get out!" Yuan Wei yelled at Qing You, but she was so embarrassed that she quit the priest’s temple after a "Yes".
Yuan Wei’s eyes glistened with gold. "I can’t imagine that I still can’t calculate you … but let your son and the inferno kill each other, and you and that guy won’t get any benefits, hum!"
Yuan Wei wanted the demon race to disrupt the fighting between the two sides under the banner of supporting Lin Yu so that the inferno and the Terran demon race had another attempt to make the three races completely hostile.
But her plan was seen through by the sky before.
There’s no way Yuan Wei can just wait for the news of coming back from Hongye City.
Boom-a strong purple light beam fell from the sky like a scourge and fell directly to the wall of Hongye City.
The purple light beam is full of power and falls instantly, which immediately collapses more than half of the rubble and purple vitality everywhere!
It took a second or two for the virtual shadow of the ten demons, which was stirred by this purple light beam, to reunite and set shape as if it were blown by the wind.
This purple light beam is Yuan Lan’s quiet voice towards Ouyang Xiu, which is aimed at making the ten demons’ virtual shadow members distorted for a second or two by the interference of the attack array.
"Go!" Take this opportunity to Yuan Lan a big teleport with Lin Yu, Ziqingyun, Yan Ruoning and feathermoon to move back to the flat outside the city wall.
But as soon as they got back to the ground, the top ten demons were also surrounded by virtual shadows.
"Haha, it is impossible for you to get rid of us!" Yushan demon laughed wildly. Looking at Lin Yu, their eyes were like cats looking at mice.
Lin Yu sneered, "We want to change to a bigger place so as not to hurt our people."
"What a big breath!" Tong monty said savagely, "Although our two places at once are only nine times as powerful as reincarnation, one reincarnation is enough for you to suffer. There are ten of us!"
No way. Monty said this. Everyone knows the normal situation. Lin Yu, they are dead.
Seeing this scene through a crystal ball, all the families shook their heads naively and felt sorry for Lin Yu. At the same time, they also secretly thanked themselves for not sending real elites to Hongye City.
Of course, the most painful thing is to be angry with everyone.
Whether it’s inflammation or coagulation, or the 10,000-strong red armor guards, it’s their family’s way of suffering.
At the same time, he is betting on this battlefield and Cang Yi of Cangyu College, but he denies Lin Yu and they will be finished.
"People who can be recognized by my ancestor Cang Tianlong will not die so easily." Through the crystal screen, Cang Yi stared at Lin Yu and looked forward to Lin Yu’s performance.
"What about ten? How much we kill! " They heard Lin Yu binge drinking his body suddenly and feathermoon, inflammation if coagulation at the same time sends out a strong flame light three personal light immediately connected.
The three of them got the call from the artifact Yan Star in the battlefield. Lin Yu will start the call mark in his mind, and if it is inflamed, he will feel it naturally.
Roots don’t communicate with each other. If Lin Yu moves, they will understand this situation. If they don’t make the artifact call wait longer?
The three of them summoned the mark to start, and the temperature around it suddenly rose. The ground of Hongye City was instantly turned into a sea of fire by a fire, lang.
And the whole Hongye City instantly turned into a large flame filled the sky!
"Artifact Wei!" All the people who paid attention to the battle turned green, but their faces turned scarlet because of the fire.
Only an artifact can cause such a powerful power!
But what puzzles everyone is that Lin Yu, feathermoon and Yan Ruoning are the strongest of the three, and one of them is no more than nine yuan. Even if one of them has an artifact, they will start a real artifact!
These are their illusions. When a meteor broke away from the flame and flew out with several meteor showers, it madly hit the ground around Lin Yu.
"Damn it, it’s an artifact!" The ten demons tried to escape, but how could they escape if they were angry with the artifact?
"Boom boom …"
Several fireball smashed these ten demons’ virtual shadows and instantly ignited these virtual shadows to make a burning sound.
"Ah …" The top ten demons’ virtual shadows are busy at the same time, but in the blink of an eye, the top ten demons’ virtual shadows are all gone.
At the same time, I was sitting next to the big devil, and the ten demons sprayed out with blood at the same time, showing a morbid red face.
Artifact flame not only burned down the ten demons’ virtual shadows, but also their real bodies were affected by the wave, which directly reduced their strength to the realm of heaven and man!
"Damn it, it turned out to be an artifact!" The top ten demons exude extremely bitter eyes in their red eyes. Once their strength has been cut off, they are still in a state of heaven and earth, and everyone has to be dreary to death.
Heaven and man have a heavy strength, but I don’t know how many ten thousand years it will take, plus appropriate sentiment, to make a breakthrough, but it will take a second or two to let their strength fall off directly. This blow is not small.

"Don’t worry, he will be fine. I have already relieved him of his poison." Pei said with a flash of light in his warm eyes and patted Hongyu on the shoulder.

"really?" Red rain’s eyes showed surprise.
"Have I ever lied to you?" Pei Nuan picked his eyebrows.
Hongyu scratched her head and wanted to answer. The princess has lied to her several times. Er, but I think the princess will not lie to her about such a serious matter.
"Dare to ask where the princess is going now?" Lanlin wondered in his heart what happened between the Lord and the princess during the performance, and he became more and more puzzled.
Pei Wennuan smiled mysteriously, "The secret can’t be leaked."
Red rain and blue rain looked at each other and became more and more puzzled, but the princess refused to say that they were not much better. The old man seemed to be not interested in it and began to doze off.
"Exquisite … exquisite …" The nangongshan silver wind suddenly sat up from the bed.
"Elder brother, you’re awake." Pei Nuan hurried to stabilize the Nangong Silver Wind.
"There is something wrong with Xia Lian. She must have been controlled by evil spirits and Linglong was taken away by her!" The nangongshan silver wind looked a little pale. Seeing Pei Wennuan was like seeing a savior, holding her shoulder tightly.
"Elder brother, I already know Linglong won’t be in danger. I’ll save her. You can rest assured first." Pei warmly comforted.
"How can I rest assured that exquisite was seized by evil spirits and I don’t know what will happen! How can I explain to Hao Chen! " How to explain to yourself that the Nangong Yinfeng’s eyes are a little red and he wants to get up and save Yu Linglong. At this moment, his heart is extremely anxious and hates himself. Why didn’t he find the abnormality of thyme Xia Lian earlier and let Linglong and thyme Xia Lian coexist in the same room?
The nangongshan silver wind deeply felt remorse in my heart.
"Brother, calm down first. You have to believe that I will definitely save Linglong!" Pei warm hands caught the nangongshan silver wind as far as possible to appease his restless mood at this time.
The Nangong Silver Wind’s breathing was a little short because of fear. He was worried about Yu Linglong from the bottom of his heart. He could not imagine how he would feel if Yu Linglong was hurt a little. He would rather be taken away by evil spirits than see that it was Yu Linglong who was caught.
"She’s so simple, I’m afraid she’ll be afraid," said Nangong Yinfeng, with heavy eyes. She just pulled the quilt and almost tore it to pieces.
Pei warmed his heart and comforted him, "Brother, you have to believe that Linglong is not as fragile as you think." People always have to learn to grow up, be protected and can’t stand the wind and rain, and be held hostage by evil spirits. Jade Linglong may really be afraid, but going through some things will always make people grow up.
However, seeing the Nangong Silver Wind is so painful, she saw fear in his eyes and sighed in his heart. His brother just likes jade and exquisite, and he likes that kind of love more than anyone else, but he just doesn’t admit that it is bitter.
"Brother, you have to believe me!"
The Nangong Yinfeng raised his eyes and looked at Pei Nuan. At this time, the Nangong Yinfeng had stabilized his mood and nodded to each other. He believed that Pei Nuan could save Yu Linglong and that Yu Linglong would be strong enough to face what was happening now.
Come to Nangong Yinfeng from the bed and adjust your mood. "Didn’t you say that these three days are a weak period? What is this?"
Pei’s warm look flashed, and there was some remorse in his heart. If there was no such decision, Linglong might not have been taken away by evil spirits, but if there was no such way, the evil spirits would take the initiative to show up. Besides, an unexpected factor was that evil spirits actually occupied Baili Xialian.
"Well, Yunhua and I discussed an excuse to detoxify him and let the evil spirit appear. Now something unexpected happened, but the evil spirit appeared, but I didn’t expect it to occupy Xia Lian’s body." Pei Nuan explained.
The Nangong Yinfeng was silent. Perhaps since he woke up, he had guessed that Pei Wennuan’s purpose was to detoxify. The most important thing was to let an evil spirit appear in the dark.
Pei Wennuan asked him to send more people to protect her Nalanyun Huaan, and chaotic forces enveloped the whole East Palace, which was to make noise and make the evil spirits notice and take action.
However, they guessed that it was true that the evil spirits were secretly monitoring their every move, but no one thought that it was the evil spirits that would occupy thyme. Xia Lian’s body was always by their side, and no one noticed the difference.
The thought of evil spirits getting along so closely will make people feel a chill feeling coming towards them. It turns out that they have always been in a more dangerous situation than evil spirits, and they can die if they take a little precautions. He dare not imagine what terrible consequences will happen if they discover the true identity of evil spirits later.
"Now, if the evil spirits are strong, I’m afraid it will hurt Xialian. We can’t touch it for the time being," said Pei Wennuan, a little depressed.
"Then let the evil spirits do what they want?" I feel more angry at the thought that evil spirits have occupied thyme in such a despicable way.
"Evil spirits are seriously injured, and there will be no big move for the time being. I will think of some way to get rid of it as soon as possible during this period." Pei Wennuan’s eyes flashed with murder, leaving evil spirits in this world for one second will aggravate the disaster on this continent.
"Elder brother, you should have a good rest first. You can rest assured that Linglong will be fine." Pei Nuan patted the Nangong Yinfeng arm and patted it. Although she knew how to reduce the worries about Yu Linglong in the Nangong Yinfeng heart, Pei Nuan still hoped that the Nangong Yinfeng could believe her.
The nangongshan silver wind eyes than to dim a few minutes still nodded his head.
The old man who burned the silence had disappeared into the house at this time, and seemed to care about these things. Now he must have gone back to his room and slept and snored.
It’s a new day, but the atmosphere of the whole continent is so heavy, with a dead breath spreading and floating in the air, making people feel a little difficult to breathe.
Pei Wennuan didn’t sit alone on the eaves of the palace all night watching the eastern sun rise gradually.
Recommended collection Oh ~ ~ Today, more Chapter 355 I can’t believe it.
In the silent atmosphere, everything here is covered with a layer of darkness and humidity, and a cold breath comes to my face, which makes people feel gloomy and horrible, like being in a haunted house.
"You … are you serious! ?”
A female voice in the room sounded with joy, disbelief and surprise, but this shrill voice made people feel extremely uncomfortable and hurt their eardrums.
Mo Qing ring ghost mask eyes have hope and joy, looking at the dignified and mature handsome man in front of him.
At Mo Qinghuan, Nangong Lie sighed with a soft look and said apologetically, "I’ve figured it out. Now that the deceased has passed away, it’s no use remembering. I also know that you waited for me so many years ago. I’m sorry for you …"
"Don’t say that for so many years, I am willing to wait for you." Mo Qinghuan raised his finger and stopped Nangong Lie from continuing to talk. At this time, the tone became softer
"Qinghuan, if you like, we can go to seclusion together and never ask the secular again." Nangong Lie took the ink ring wrist strap with hope and said.
Mo Qinghuan’s ghost mask flashed with a smile and said, "I’m so glad that you can figure it out. I’ll order it and celebrate it today!" At Nangong Lie, Mo Qinghuan said, he went out from Nangong Lie’s house under house arrest and hurried to prepare for the celebration.
Nangong Lie watched Mo Qinghuan leave the back. Just now, the tenderness in his eyes suddenly disappeared. The silk cloth with strong disgust in his eyes wiped the hand that just shook Mo Qinghuan’s wrist.
How could he not know that Mo Qinghuan was deliberately avoiding his words? Although he didn’t know Mo Qinghuan very well, he knew that Mo Qinghuan’s ambition was not only to see these mouths saying that he wanted to be honest, but also to give up his huge potential.
Nangong Lie sat down on the side stool and reposed his thoughts constantly moving in his mind.
Mo Qinghuan is in a good mood at this time. She didn’t expect Nangong Lie to figure it out and promise her to be together. Mo Qinghuan’s eyes are shining with joy. When I get this day, we can enjoy the monotonous life of family and seclusion, but it will erase a person’s fighting spirit. Then you will know how important the huge potential is to a person. Mo Qinghuan secretly thinks about the ghost mask and pulls out a cold radian in his mouth.
"Jie Jie … didn’t you see that the ruthless killer would be carried away by emotional things?" Just then, a lazy voice fell into the ears of Mo Qinghuan.
"who!" Who on earth was the alarm bell in Mo Qing’s ring? She actually noticed that this happened so suddenly.
"Jie Jie … If I wanted to kill you, I just had a thousand chances" sounded again with contempt.
Ink clear ring feel black at the moment a figure appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye.
"It’s you!" Mo Qinghuan’s eyes are slightly narrowed. She has seen this woman who is close to Pei Wennuan. How can she appear here without attracting attention? The assassination alliance is closely guarded and its location is so secret. Supposedly, it will not be discovered by thyme Xia Lian. How did she enter?
"Jie Jie … don’t inquire after seeing the statue." Thyme Xia Lian walked slowly near Mo Qing Huan’s face and smiled. Sen Leng had a hint of seduction, and the atmosphere here was more harmonious.
"You … you are …" Mo Qinghuan stare big eyes and can’t believe that he can’t even find his own voice when he looks at the people in front of him.
"hmm? ~ ~ "The evil spirit made a parody from the throat, looking at Mo Qinghuan like watching a play and admiring her eyes with surprise.
"You are really an evil spirit? How can you become a hundred miles of summer lotus! " Ink clear ring shocked said in the heart still wondering it will appear here.
"Why don’t you believe it?" The evil spirit squinted, and a dark glow lingered around her for a long time. "You have to ask what Yu Zun wants to become."
"What do you want to do here?" Ink clear ring took a step back and began to be wary of staring at thyme Xia Lian touch kind of evil spirits.
"Want to feel it?" The evil spirit seems to be talking to himself, and there is a flash of cold light in his eyes. "Zun needs to practice you in recent days. This place is very suitable for me. I want you to give me ten women every day until I have a great ability to control this day. Naturally, you are indispensable to the benefits." The evil spirit made Mo Qinghuan feel very uncomfortable with a commanding tone, but she was afraid of the powerful breath emitted by the evil spirit.
"Ok, I’ll help you arrange it." Mo Qinghuan looked at the evil spirit and readily promised. Now she has no way out. The evil spirit appears on her site. If she resists, it will definitely make her die miserably. She has to do what it means for the time being.
"Someone will take this adult to the ghost cave and entertain him. I believe it will like the atmosphere there very much." Mo Qinghuan said that the words sound just fell and an assassination alliance attendant appeared. It was Mo Qinghuan who entered the underground deep together.

"You lied that Zhang Qianqian was beautiful, and you yourself said that even if I practiced for a hundred years, I couldn’t compete with Zhang Qianqian!" Fengyun is too light to be humane.

Xiao Linchu felt that coaxing women was really a headache. He turned over and sighed, "Is appearance really that important in your women’s eyes?"
Fengyun nodded solemnly. "Of course, if you look like the street king Erma, I won’t like you!"
Xiao Linchu reached out and grabbed her waist and looked down at her. "If you look like a street matchmaker, I will still like you!"
He is serious and gentle, but his eyes are full of drowning color, and his face is red and he bows his head. "I don’t believe you. You men are all the same when you coax women!"
Xiao Linchu’s body turned down on her body. "I cheated you when I got married for so long?"
Fengyun bit her lip and thought carefully. It seems that he really didn’t lie to himself. He just confused her with everything.
When she didn’t speak, he bowed his head and kissed her cheek and her ear carefully until her face was red and she was like a well-cooked shrimp. Then he slowly said, "Believe me, I really want to be with you …"
Fengyun light heart oppressed remembered Zhang Qianqian absent-minded asked 1 "Zhang Qianqian? You are a perfect match with her, and you promised to marry her in a month. Isn’t it a shame for you to be with me, a genius, san huang? "
Xiao Linchu smiled. "Talented women are more solid than fools …"
His voice did not fall. Feng Yun’s light powder fist had already hit him. He frowned with pain and snorted.
Fengyun’s face turned white and forgot that he was injured. He quickly got up and untied his clothes. "Does it hurt? Sorry, I forgot to hurt it. Show me if the wound is cracked! "
She tore open his clothes and looked at his chest and arms wrapped tightly. The eyebrows were tight and frowning. "It’s bleeding!"
Xiao Linchu stared at her face and said, "Leave it alone …"
Fengyun gently shook his head. "How can you ignore it? It’s been so long, and the wound is still bleeding. I’ll go to the doctor to help you! "
She just wanted a bed, but he stretched out and hugged her, and then pressed her tightly against the bed.
He looked down at her arms, locked her in the bed and hugged her, and her breathing gradually became heavy and cloudy.
Fengyun gently held her breath and knew that her action of ripping off his clothes triggered his animal desire and stiff body, saying, "Xiao Linchu, calm down!" "
Xiao Linchu bowed his head and kissed her lips, plundered her little by little, and said with heavy breath, "I won’t hurt you if I can’t calm down Fengyun and cooperate lightly!"
Feng Yun turned pale and reached for his arm and shook his head. "Not at this time, at least not when you are going to marry Zhang Qianqian!"
Xiao Linchu bit her lip to stop her from responding in a hoarse voice. "I never wanted to marry Sandy. I always wanted to give you a grand wedding and give us a chance to justify ourselves!"
She frowned and climbed his arm, and his hand slowly loosened. He noticed that her attitude had changed and the kiss had become more intense.
Breathing and blending, this sex scene, Xiao Linchu, was dripping with joy. He didn’t even know that his chest was cracked, so he hugged her and fell asleep.
Fengyun was even more exhausted. She kept begging for mercy all night and finally fainted in tears.
The next day, the old emperor was furious at an early date.
Father-in-law Chang still hasn’t found Xiao Linchu, and there’s no way to talk to him. If you don’t come back, let Xiaoliu have sex with Fengyun lightly.
He walked around the Changqiu Palace with crutches, and his expression changed. When the old emperor walked angrily for more than 100 times, he put his pen in his mouth and suddenly said, "Father might as well ask the imperial concubine if he can’t find his third brother!"
The old emperor looked back. "Will the imperial concubine know where the third child is?"
The flute is also strange, but the smile is silent. The old emperor knocked the crutch "Benedict" and said, "Come and see the imperial concubine-"
Bai Jin are coming. The old emperor’s face is already extremely cold. "Where’s the third place? If he doesn’t show up again, I will copy everyone in Chu Wangfu! "
Bai Jin nai Huang, this is not a threat to Xiao Chu. Does the whole Chu palace threaten himself?
However, Xiao Chu has made him angry enough. If he makes him angry again, there will be no peace in the palace.
She nodded slowly. "If the emperor wants to know where Xiao Chu is, he will go with the male and female servants!"
As early as when Feng Yunqing entered the palace, she sent someone to watch Feng Yunqing. Naturally, she knew that her baby had spent a night there last night.
She led the way in front of the old emperor and a group of eunuchs and maids went to the back and saw that the old emperor was already white in his heart when he arrived at the glass hall.
I’m afraid he climbed the Fengyun light bed by himself yesterday.
Even so, he still wants to verify it again.
When the door was opened, the maid-in-waiting went to the front and lifted three layers of bead curtains, which made everyone stay there.
See Fengyun light curled up in Xiao Linchu’s arms, showing a pink face, while Xiao Linchu is naked, holding Fengyun light in one hand and being draped over Fengyun light waist through a thin layer.
Fengyun heard the bead curtain collision crisp. When the maid-in-waiting Xiumei was impatient and arched a few times in his arms, Xiao Linchu’s eyes still frowned and calmed her head, which slowly opened her eyes.
He twisted his eyebrows and looked at the ladies-in-waiting eunuchs and Bai Jin and the old emperor impatiently frowned more tightly and were covered with Fengyun light. Only then did he close his eyes and kiss Fengyun light forehead, and then he leaned against Fengyun light head and slept smoothly.
The old emperor was treated with complete anger and gnashed his teeth, but don’t you think this is what you want? This will lift the crutch and put a big breath to calm the anger. "Go!"
Bai Jin nai hubris a frown and went out.
Outside the glass hall, Bai Jin had an argument with the old emperor. This time, she insisted.
"I don’t have a problem with Fengyun Qingfei. She is also a princess of Blue Snow Country at any rate, but Zhang Qianqian will definitely be a concubine!" Bai Jin said firmly
The old emperor looks pale. "I said that Zhang Qianqian would never enter the gate of Chu Palace one day!"
"Emperor, how long can you manage Xiao Chu? Besides, although this phoenix cloud is delicate and intelligent, it can never be the only hostess of this red moon palace! " Bai Jin firmly
The old emperor trembled with anger. "I knew you always regarded yourself as the master, but I told you that no one was the hostess of this palace except Yang’s mother!"
Bai Jin turned pale and suddenly could not speak. He looked at the old emperor for a moment and stared at her. He left trembling on crutches.
Bai Jin was in tears. I didn’t think that she was still a concubine in his heart after half a generation.
She refused to make her queen because of his promise to Xiao Jinyang’s biological mother, but it turned out to be the result in the end.
She was lost there, and her whole face was wet with tears. The more she refused to let Xiao Chu marry Zhang Qianqian, the more she wanted to support her.
She’d like to see what will happen if she defies him once. Chapter 188 It’s hopeless to be crazy like this (for a monthly ticket)
Chapter 188 Are crazy like this hopeless (a monthly ticket)
She was lost there, and her whole face was wet with tears. The more she refused to let Xiao Chu marry Zhang Qianqian, the more she wanted to support her.
She’d like to see what happens if she defies him once …
Bai Jin gnashed her teeth and held her handkerchief tightly. Then she turned and walked towards the palace.
Qu Qiuyan was somewhat surprised when she arrived at the exhibition house. It is supposed that Xiao Linchu should be happy to throw Zhang Qianqian to Zhan Yanbaijin, but what do you think of her resentment?
Bai Jin went straight to "Where is Zhang Qianqian?"
Qu Qiuyan pointed to the wing. "I’m staying in the east. I’m crazy all day and I don’t know if it’s true or false!"
Bai Jin nodded in QuQiuYan led towards the east wing.